联系人:张艳 庄甲鹏;电话:86-27-67861165,86-27-67868051
Recruitment of Global Young Talents
2017 Central China Normal University
The right job and the right place to prosper!
About us
Central China Normal University (CCNU) is located in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province and a major transportation hub in China. It is a key comprehensive normal university directly under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. It is highly recognized as an important base for cultivating brilliant talents for the country, as well as a superior training center for excellent teachers in higher learning institutions and high schools.
Since its establishment in early 20th century, many professors from abroad have come to teach and do research at CCNU, a tradition that continues today. We welcome you with open arms to Wuhan and Central China Normal University, where we strive to seek truth and innovation, establish morality and cultivate talents for generations to come. You may visit our English website at http://english.ccnu.edu.cn/.
CCNU now invites outstanding young scholars from both at home and abroad to apply for Chang Jiang Young Scholars Program, Recruitment Program of Global Young Experts and CCNU Guizi Young Scholars Program.
About the programs
I. Recruitment Program of Global Young Experts
i. Applicants should be engaged in areas of natural sciences or engineering technologies and be under 40 year old.
ii. Have obtained PhD degrees and at least 3 years’ overseas experiences of being engaged in research.
iii. Currently assume posts of teaching or research in overseas well-known universities, scientific institutes or R&D institutions; Be top talents among the peers in the same area, and have the potential of becoming the academic or technical leaders in the fields they are engaged in.
iv. Exceptions can be made to those who have made outstanding academic achievements as a PhD candidate in terms of age limit or requirement on working experiences.
II. Chang Jiang Young Scholars Program
i. Applicants of natural sciences and engineering should be under 38 years old, applicants of arts and social sciences under 45.
ii. Have doctor’s degrees and currently engage in teaching and research; a domestic applicant is expected to be an associate professor or hold an equivalent position.
III.CCNU Guizi Young Scholars Program
Basic Requirements
i. Applicants should have obtained doctoral degree from well-known universities both from home and abroad. Applicants of science and engineering shall be under the age of 35, and those of liberal arts shall be under 38.
ii. Chinese applicants should have experiences of studying abroad (or being a visiting scholar) for at least one year.
Priorities given to those who meet one of the following qualifications
i. Have obtained doctoral degree from world top 100 universities or in a discipline which ranks world top 50, with undergraduate study as a full-time student in an institution whose level is equivalent to or higher than CCNU.
ii. Applicants of liberal arts should have published at least 1 paper in Social Sciences of China or other recognized top journals as first author.
iii. Applicants of science and engineering should have published at least 1 paper in Science, Nature, Cell or international top journals in his/ her research field as first author or co-author or correspondence author.
Benefits and supports
Nominees for Chang Jiang Young Scholars Program and Recruitment Program of Global Young Experts enjoy the following benefits and supports:
i.An annual salary of no less than RMB 400,000 yuan (nominees for Recruitment Program of Global Young Experts are to be offered RMB 500,000 yuan by the State Government which is Duty-Free).
ii.Professorship and be qualified to recruit doctoral candidates and postdoc researchers.
iii.A special package of resettlement allowances and research funds which is negotiable. Apartment for rent.
iv.One-stop service concerning application for work permit and medical insurance.
v.Job for spouse and high-quality education for children (from Kindergarten to High School).
Nominees for CCNU Guizi Young Scholars Program
i.An annual allowances of RMB 100,000 yuan in addition to post salaries.
ii.A special package of resettlement allowances or rental allowances and research funds which is negotiable. Apartment for rent.
iii.One-stop service concerning application for work permit and medical insurance.
iv.High-quality education for children (from Kindergarten to High School).
For further information, you are welcome to contact HR staff.
How to apply
Please send your resume and supporting documents to our Human Resources Office, or you may contact the Schools or Research Centers directly. We will assist you in preparing and submitting application materials once the above listed programs are initiated.
Please visit HR website for further information on more teaching and research positions http://hr.ccnu.edu.cn/.
Ms. Zhang Yan, Mr. Zhuang Jiapeng
Human Resources Office
Tel: 86-27-67861165, 86-27-67868051
单 位 Schools & Research Centers | 联系方式 Contacts |
教育学 School of Education | 联系人:卢治平 Mr. Lu Zhiping 电话 Tel:86-27-67868261 Email: zplu@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
心理学 School of Psychology | 联系人:马红宇 Ms. Ma Hongyu 电话Tel:86-27-67865805 Email:mahy@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
文学 School of Chinese Language and Literature | 联系人:何小红 Ms. He Xiaohong 电话 Tel:86-27-67865022 Email:190768951@qq.com |
历史文化学 School of History and Culture |
联系人:吴琦 Mr. Wu Qi 电话Tel:86-27-67868336 Email:wq0928@126.com |
马克思主义学 School of Political Communication | 联系人:钟选友 Mr. Zhong Xuanyou 电话Tel:86-27-67868278 Email: zhongxy@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
经济与工商管理学 School of Business and Economics | 联系人:邓宏乾 Mr. Deng Hongqian 电话Tel:86-27-67865592 Email:denghq@126.com |
公共管理学 School of Public Administration | 联系人:卢新海 Mr. Lu Xinhai 电话Tel:86-27-67863765 Email:xinhailu@163.com |
法学 Law School |
联系人:李克武 Mr. Li Kewu 电话Tel:86-27-67867858 Email:kwli314@163.com |
社会学 School of Social Science | 联系人:汪继平 Mr. Wang Jiping 电话Tel:86-27-67865536 Email:wjp@maill.ccnu.edu.cn |
外国语学 School of Foreign Languages | 联系人:李云 Mr. Li Yun 电话Tel:86-27-67865741 Emai:yunli@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
新闻传播学 School of Journalism and Communication | 联系人:韩君华 Ms. Han Junhua 电话Tel:86-27-67865582 Email:453042631@qq.com |
教育信息技术学 School of Educational Information Technology | 联系人:游丽 Ms. You Li 电话Tel:86-27-67867598 Email:408284358@qq.com |
信息管理学 School of Information Management | 联系人:刘宝卿 Mr. Liu Baoqing 电话Tel:86-27-67868317 Email:939880774@qq.com |
体育学 School of Physical Education | 联系人:王健 Mr. Wang Jian 电话Tel:86-27-67868363 Email:jwccnu1@163.com |
音乐学 School of Music |
联系人:孙永祥 Mr. Sun Yongxiang 电话Tel:86-27-67867062 Email:499845141@qq.com |
美术学 School of Fine Arts | 联系人:徐晓庚 Mr. Xu Xiaogeng 电话Tel:86-27-67868322 Email:xuxiaogeng3184@sina.com |
数学与统计学学 School of Mathematics and Statistics |
联系人:彭双阶 Mr. Peng Shuangjie 电话Tel:86-27-67862057 Email:sjpeng@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
物理科学与技术学 School of Physical Science and Technology | 联系人:陈迪明 Mr. Chen Diming 电话Tel:86-27-67867940 Email:dmch@phy.ccnu.edu.cn |
化学学 School of Chemistry | 联系人:肖文精 Mr. Xiao Wenjing 电话Tel:86-27-67862041 Email:wxiao@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
生命科学学 School of Life Science | 联系人:邱玉华 Mr. Qiu Yuhua 电话Tel:86-27-67867222 Email:qiuyuhua@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
计算机学 School of Computer Science |
联系人:刘永生 Mr. Liu Yongsheng 电话Tel:86-27-67866928 Email:lysccnu@maill.ccnu.edu.cn |
城市与环境科学学 School of Urban and Environment Science | 联系人:梁志群 Mr. Liang Zhiqun 电话Tel:86-27-67861441 Email:liangzhiqun@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
政治与国际关系学 School of Politics and International Studies | 联系人:段维 Mr. Duan Wei 电话Tel:86-27-67868955 Email:dw1234647@sina.com |
中国农村研究 Institute of China Rural Studies | 联系人:邓大才 Mr. Deng Dacai 电话Tel:86-27-67865881 Email:dengdacai@126.com |
语言所 Research Center for Language and Language Education | 联系人:汪国胜 Mr. Wang Guosheng 电话Tel:86-27-67868287 Email:gswang@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
国家文化产业研究中心 National Research Center of Cultural Industries | 联系人:詹一虹 Mr. Zhan Yihong 电话Tel:86-27-67867795 Email:464602461@qq.com |
国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心 National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning | 联系人:刘三女牙 Mr. Liu Sanya 电话Tel:86-27-67868519 Email: lsy5918@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
伍伦贡联合研究 Central China Normal University Wollongong Joint Institute | 联系人:余新国 Mr. Yu Xinguo 电话Tel:86-27-67867572 Email:xgyu@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |

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