Cheeloo College of Medicine(CCOM), Shandong University Recruit Outstanding Talents
单位 |
专业方向 |
联系方式 |
高等医学研究院 |
肿瘤免疫、代谢免疫、肿瘤微环境、致病基因发现与功能研究、生物数据发掘与分析 |
刘尚明 |
基础医学院 |
免疫微环境与疾病研究、肿瘤微环境及分子机制研究、神经及精神疾病的分子机制研究、代谢病的分子机制研究 |
蒋慧敏 |
临床医学院 |
肿瘤微环境及分子机制研究、神经及精神疾病的分子机制研究、代谢病的分子机制研究 |
黄涛 |
公共卫生学院 |
预防医学相关领域:卫生微生物检验、劳动卫生与职业病学、环境卫生或环境科学 、流行病学、生物统计学、妇幼保健学、卫生毒理学、卫生检验学、社会医学与卫生事业管理学方向 |
王庆 |
药学院 |
分子药理学、化学生物学、合成药物化学、临床药学、药物分析、药剂学、免疫学、单克隆抗体的制备、生物技术药物学、生药学 |
王小宁 |
口腔医学院 |
口腔临床医学、再生医学、生物材料 |
文勇 |
护理学院 |
护理学专业、长期照护专业、老年学专业、健康管理专业、心理学专业、流行病学专业、生物统计学专业、社会医学专业 |
曹源 |
医药卫生管理学院 |
卫生经济,卫生服务研究,卫生管理,全球健康 |
刘波 |
生殖医学研究中心 |
发育生物学、流行病学 |
聂宏伟 |
齐鲁医院 |
心血管疾病基础研究、神经科学或神经信息学(脑与类脑结合性研究)、血液病基础研究 |
赵伟宁 |
第二医院 |
应用基础医学、肿瘤免疫学、生物信息学、干细胞与再生医学 |
徐凯 |
单位 |
岗位类型 |
学科或专业方向 |
岗位基本职责 |
联系人 |
基础医学院 |
助理研究员及以上 |
基础医学或生物学 |
研究员:1.独立申报并承担科研项目,从事本学科前沿科研工作,具有承担重点项目的能力;2.承担本科及研究生教学工作;3.能够在学科发展和平台建设中发挥带头作用。科研及教学工作量不低于学院相同岗位平均水平。 |
蒋慧敏 |
临床医学院 |
临床师资博士后及以上 |
临床医学及相关学科 |
主任医师、副主任医师:1.独立申报并承担科研项目,从事本学科前沿科研工作,具有承担国家或省部级重点项目的能力;2.承担本科及研究生教学工作;3.能够解决复杂疑难病症或重大技术问题,全面指导和组织本专业的业务工作;4.科研及教学工作量不低于学院相同岗位平均水平。 |
黄涛 |
公共卫生学院 |
研究员、副研究员或助理研究员 |
流行病学、生物统计学、卫生毒理学、劳动卫生学、环境卫生学、营养与食品卫生学、理化检验、微生物检验、社会医学与卫生事业管理、儿少与妇幼保健学 |
能够完成山东大学科研教师(研究员、副研究员或助理研究员)的岗位条件要求,能够承担流行病学、生物统计学、卫生毒理学、劳动卫生学、环境卫生学、营养与食品卫生学、理化检验、微生物检验、社会医学与卫生事业管理、儿少与妇幼保健学相关的教学科研工作 |
王庆 |
口腔医学院 |
助理研究员及以上 |
口腔医学 |
参加本科教学,完成学院或教研所规定的教学任务及带教任务,承担厅级及以上科研、教研项目1项或承担省部级及以上科研、教研项目1项(前2位),发表SCI论文1篇或国家发明专利1项;省部级及以上科研、教研成果三等及以上奖励(前5位)。 |
张韶丽 |
护理学院 |
助理研究员及以上 |
护理学或公共卫生与预防医学 |
1、承担本科和研究生教学工作;2、进行护理学及相关领域的科学研究,积极申报国家级科研项目;3、发表高水平SCI或SSCI论文;4、完成学院交办的其他工作。 |
曹源 |
药学院 |
副研究员 以上 |
合成药物化学、天然药物化学、微生物与生化药学 |
助理研究员岗位职责:能够胜任完成学院规定的本科教学任务,具有较强的教学能力,教学效果良好;聘期内积极参与科研工作,申报承担省部级科研或教研项目;作为第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文1篇。五年内达到副教授晋升条件要求。 副研究员岗位职责:能够胜任研究生及本科教学任务,且教学质量考核为良好及以上;聘期内主持国家级科研或教研项目1项;作为第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文4篇及以上,其中一篇论文的影响因子大于3;五年内达到教授晋升条件要求。 研究员岗位职责:具备良好的教育教学能力,能够胜任本科及研究生教学工作,且教学质量考核为良好及以上。任职期间主持国家级科研教研项目2项及以上;或主持的科研项目到位经费(纵、横项)累计500万元以上。作为第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI、CSSCI收录论文4篇及以上,其中一篇论文的影响因子大于5。 |
王小宁 |
助理研究员 以上 |
药理学、免疫药理学、 临床药学 |
副研究员 以上 |
药物递送体系研究、药代动力学、药物质量控制 |
医药卫生管理学院 |
副研究员 |
社会医学与卫生事业管理 |
聘期内参与研究生和本科生课程讲授;申请1-2项科研课题;发表SCI/SSCI收录论文不少于2篇。 |
刘波 |
生殖医学研究中心 |
副研究员及以上 |
流行病学 |
负责临床流行病学研究。积极参与学科、专业建设。具备教强的科研能力,能承担省部级与国家级课题。 |
丛洪斌 |
学科 | 岗位职责 | 岗位条件 | 联系方式 |
人体解剖学 |
学术类教授:独立申报并承担科研项目,从事本学科前沿科研工作。工作量不低于学院相同岗位平均水平。 专业类教授:需承担人体解剖学教学工作,包括系统解剖学、局部解剖学和断层解剖学共计264学时。 |
1.知名高校博士毕业;2.具有3年以上国外科研机构博士后经历;3.以通讯作者或第一作者发表多篇高水平学术论文。 |
蒋慧敏 0531-88382565 jianghuimin@sdu.edu.cn |
学术类副教授:独立申报并承担科研项目。工作量不低于学院相同岗位平均水平。 专业类副教授:需承担人体解剖学教学工作,包括系统解剖学、局部解剖学和断层解剖学共计264学时。 |
知名高校博士毕业生、博士后出站人员,能够履行相应岗位基本职责。 |
单位 | 专业要求 | 专业方向 | 其他 | 联系方式 |
基础医学院 | 生物化学、分子/细胞生物学、药理学以及其他学科等相关专业; | 膜受体靶点药理学,GPCR相关研究; | 年龄在四十五周岁以下。 |
孙金鹏 +86-531-88382092 sunjinpeng@sdu.edu.cn |
病理学、肿瘤学等相关专业; | 肿瘤病理学; | 年龄在四十周岁以下;掌握常规分子和细胞生物学实验技术。 |
高鹏 +856-531-88383168 gaopeng@sdu.edu.cn |
心血管(如:内科学,生理学,药理学等)相关专业 | 血管生物学,心血管疾病的分子机制,心血管药理; | 掌握常规分子和细胞生物学实验技术。 |
蒋凡 +86-531-88382044 fjiang@sdu.edu.cn |
泌尿外科、病理学、肿瘤学、分子/细胞生物学等相关专业; | 前列腺癌的分子病理分型、肿瘤演进及转移的分子机制和临床转化研究; | 年龄在四十周岁以下。掌握常规分子和细胞生物学实验技术。 |
陈蔚文 +86-531-88382092-404 chenweiwen@sdu.edu.cn |
分子生物学、免疫学、肿瘤学、细胞生物学等相关专业; |
(1)免疫微环境与肿瘤 (2)自身免疫病的免疫学发生机制 |
掌握常规的分子生物学、细胞学、免疫学的基本技术。 |
韩丽辉 +86-531-88382038 hanlihui@sdu.edu.cn |
免疫学或生物学相关专业; |
(1)微环境与慢性肝病(感染、代谢或免疫调节异常在慢性肝炎、脂肪肝及肝癌发生中的作用) (2)肝脏内细胞发育、基因表达调控研究 (3)固有免疫细胞与肝脏相关疾病; |
年龄在四十周岁以下;掌握常规分子生物学/免疫学实验技术,熟悉敲除小鼠动物模型。 |
马春红 +86-531-88382370 machunhong@sdu.edu.cn |
神经发育与再生及人体解剖学相关专业; | 神经发育与脑源性疾病; |
孙晋浩 +86-531-88381068 sunjinhao@sdu.edu.cn |
基础医学,临床医学、预防医学、药学,生物学等相关专业; | 胃肠区域感染免疫与恶性转化(重点胃癌和肠癌) | 熟悉分子和细胞生物学实验技术,敲除小鼠动物模型。 |
贾继辉 +86-531-88382672 jiajihui@sdu.edu.cn |
医学或动物学,寄生虫学,分子/细胞生物学等相关专业; | 人体寄生虫学(寄生虫学与寄生虫病防治,特别是弓形虫的分子致病机制、防控、基因疫苗等); | 年龄在四十周岁以下;掌握常规分子和细胞生物学实验技术,熟悉各类动物模型。 |
何深一 +86-531-88382042 shenyihe@sdu.edu.cn |
医学、生物学或相关专业 | 年龄在四十周岁以下;掌握常规分子和细胞生物学实验技术。 |
张利宁 +86-531-88382038 zhanglining@sdu.edu.cn |
分子生物学、免疫学、肿瘤学、细胞生物学、药理学和内科肾脏病等相关专业; | 肾脏病的发病机制及干预策略; | 掌握常规的分子生物学、细胞学、免疫学的基本技术和动物模型构建基本技术。 |
易凡 +86-531-88382616 fanyi@sdu.edu.cn |
临床医学院 | 临床医学、生物医学相关专业; | 临床医学、生物医学各学科; | 年龄在四十周岁以下;临床医院应聘者一般应具有临床工作经历。 |
黄涛 +86-531-88382085 huangt@sdu.edu.cn |
公共卫生学院 | 预防医学相关领域 | 预防医学相关领域:卫生微生物检验、劳动卫生与职业病学、环境卫生或环境科学、流行病学、生物统计学、妇幼保健学、卫生毒理学、卫生检验学、社会医学与卫生事业管理学方向 | 年龄不超过四十岁(1977年1月1日后出生)。 |
王庆 +86-531-88382131 qingwang@sdu.edu.cn |
药学院 | 药物化学、天然药物化学、化学生物学、微生物与生化药学、药剂学、药理学、免疫学、临床药学、药物分析学、生药学、分子生物学、制药工程学;医学、化学、生物学或相关专业; | 药物设计、合成与活性;有机合成;活性天然产物发现与作用机制;天然产物生物合成;糖化学与糖生物学;化学生物学;生物技术药物;药剂学及药物递送系统;分子药理学与免疫药理学;临床药学与药代动力学;药物分析学;制药过程质量控制;生药学; | 年龄在四十周岁以下;近三年来以第一作者在SCI或EI收录的学术刊物上发表论文2篇及以上(或一篇影响因子大于3的研究性文章); |
孔令紫 Lingzi KONG +86-531-88382590 lingzikong@sdu.edu.cn |
口腔医学院 | 医学、材料学等相关专业 | 口腔医学,再生医学、分子/细胞生物学、生物材料等; | 掌握常规分子和细胞生物学实验技术。 |
文勇 +86-531-88382999 wenyong@sdu.edu.cn |
护理学院 | 护理学、临床医学、公共卫生与预防医学与心理学; | 护理学、健康管理、临床医学、流行病学、生物统计学、社会医学或心理学等相关专业(博士专业为非护理学的优先); | 年龄45岁以下。 |
曹源 +86-531-88382696 nursing@sdu.edu.cn |
医药卫生管理学院 | 社会医学和卫生事业管理,经济学,公共管理学,药物经济学,公共卫生与预防医学 | 公共卫生、卫生经济学、卫生管理,药物经济等相关学科; | 年龄35岁以下,接受过良好的卫生体系和政策研究的方法学训练,具有独立从事卫生经济和卫生政策等方面研究的科研能力。 |
刘波 +86-531-88382208 liubo@sdu.edu.cn |
第二医院 | 乳腺外科、整形外科、胸外科、血液病、神经病学、耳鼻咽喉头颈外科方向 | 年龄在32周岁以下 |
戚莉莉 +86-531-85875205 shandaeryuanvip@163.com |
生殖医学研究中心 | 发育生物学,生殖生物学、分子/细胞生物学、生殖医学等相关专业。 | 配子发生发育机制和生殖的分子调控机理(如:原始生殖细胞、卵子发生、发育和成熟、精子发生机理等减数分裂相关内容)。 | 年龄在四十周岁以下;掌握常规分子和细胞生物学实验技术,熟悉敲除小鼠动物模型;课题将在山东大学和University of Gothenburg, Sweden共同完成。 |
聂宏伟 0531-85651394 应聘者请将求职信(个人简历、发表论文、科研经历、实验技术专长等),2名推荐人的联系方式发送至邮箱humangenetics2008@hotmail.com。 |
联 系 人:秦秀贵
地 址:山东省济南市文化西路44号
Cheeloo College of Medicine (CCOM), Shandong University Recruits Outstanding Talents
Shandong University, founded in 1901, is a key comprehensive university directly under the governance of the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is one of the first universities that offered higher education in modern China and now is a member of Project 211 and Project 985, which are national key construction projects supporting the development of high-quality universities. Over its long course of history, it has grown into an influential university known for a complete range of disciplines, strong academic strength and distinctive education characteristics at home and abroad.
The medical sciences of Shandong University originated from Tengchow Wen Hui Kuan, which was established in 1864. Later, it was transformed into Shantung Union Medical School, Medical School of Cheeloo University, Shandong Medical College, Shandong Medical University and now, Cheeloo College of Medicine (CCOM), Shandong University. Together with Peking Union Medical College, Xiangya School of Medicine and West China School of Medicine, Cheeloo College of Medicine is regarded as one of the four most outstanding medical organizations in China. It plays an indispensable role in Chinese medical education.
To accelerate the construction of a world-class university and disciplines, Shandong University and CCOM have made a sophisticated system to attract excellent talents. We sincerely welcome talents at home and abroad to join us!
I. Positions for national talent programs
1. Requirements
1) The national Thousand Talents Plan, Recruitment Program for Young Professionals
The applicants should be under the age of 40, with a PhD degree granted by a prestigious overseas university, and have over three consecutive years of research experience overseas with formal teaching and researching positions in a prestigious university, institution or enterprise overseas.
2) Young Scholars of Chang Jiang Scholars Program
The applicants should be under the age of 38, or 45 for those engaged in humanities and social sciences. In general, applicants should be PhD degree holders with formal teaching and research experience.
2. Disciplines and research areas
Hiring units |
Subject areas |
Contacts |
Institute for Advanced Medical Research |
Tumor immunology, Metabolism and immunology, Molecular mechanism of tumor microenvironment, Identification and characterization of genes for genetic diseases, Data mining and analysis |
Shangming LIU |
School of Basic Medical Sciences |
Immune microenvironment and diseases; Tumor microenvironment and molecular mechanism; Molecular mechanism of neurological and mental diseases; Molecular mechanism of metabolic diseases |
Huimin Jiang |
School of Clinical Medicine |
Molecular mechanism of tumor microenvironment; Molecular mechanism of neurobehavioral and mental diseases, Molecular mechanism of metabolic diseases |
Tao Huang |
School of Public Health |
Areas related to Preventive Medicine: Health microbiology, occupational health and occupational diseases, environmental health or environmental science-related fields, epidemiology, medical statistics, maternal and child health, toxicology, laboratory science of public health, social medicine and health management |
Qing Wang |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Molecular pharmacology, Chemical biology, Synthetic medicinal chemistry, Clinical pharmacy, Pharmaceutical analysis, Pharmaceutics, Immunology, Preparation of monoclonal antibodies, Pharmaceutical biotechnology, Pharmacognosy |
Xiaoning Wang |
School of Stomatology |
Clinical science of stomatology, Regenerative medicine, Biomaterials |
Yong Wen |
School of Nursing |
Yuan Cao |
School of Health Care Management |
Health economics, Health services research, Health management, Global health research |
Bo Liu |
Center for Reproductive Medicine |
Developmental biology, Epidemiology |
Hongwei Nie |
Qilu Hospital |
Basic research of cardiovascular diseases; Neuroscience or neuroinformatics (brain and brain-like binding studies), Basic research on hematology |
Weining Zhao |
The Second Hospital of Shandong University |
Application of basic medical sciences, Tumor immunology, Bioinformatics, Stem cells and regenerative medicine |
Kai Xu |
II. Research faculty positions
1. Requirements
In general, assistant researchers, associate researchers and research fellows should be under the age of 32, 35 and 40, respectively.
Research fellows should meet at least one of the following requirements in addition to those required by the specific discipline or school:
(1) Experience working as assistant professors in overseas prestigious universities or research institutes;
(2) Experience working as distinguished postdocs in overseas prestigious universities or research institutes;
(3) Experience working in senior professional positions in prestigious universities or research institutes in China.
Associate researchers should meet at least one of the following requirements in addition to those required by the specific discipline or school:
(1) Distinguished postdocs or PhD students in overseas prestigious universities or research institutes;
(2) Associate senior professional position holders in prestigious universities or research institutes in China;
(3) Distinguished postdocs in prestigious universities or research institutes in China.
Assistant researchers should meet at least one of the following requirements in addition to those required by the specific discipline or school:
(1) Distinguished postdocs or PhD holders from overseas prestigious universities or research institutes;
(2) Distinguished postdocs in prestigious universities or research institutes in China;
(3) PhD degree holders with all diplomas granted by prestigious Chinese universities or research institutes, but have experience working or studying in more than two institutions or studying overseas for more than one year;
(4) PhD students graduated from prestigious Chinese universities ranking among the top in the relative disciplines.
2. Disciplines and research areas for research faculty
Hiring units |
Positions |
Disciplines or research areas |
Responsibilities |
Contacts |
School of Basic Medical Sciences |
Assistant researchers and above |
Basic medicine or biology |
Research fellows: 1. To apply for and undertake research projects independently, carry out cutting-edge research in the field; 2. To teach undergraduates and postgraduates; 3. To lead the development of the discipline and related platforms. Research load and teaching load should not be below the average of the same positions in the school. |
Huimin Jiang |
Teaching postdocs and above |
Clinical medicine and related disciplines |
Chief physicians and associate chief physicians: 1. To apply for and undertake research projects independently, carry out cutting-edge research in the field and undertake national/ministerial/provincial key projects; 2. To teach undergraduates and postgraduates; 3. To treat complicated diseases or deal with major technical issues; 4. Research load and teaching load should not be below the average of the same positions in the school. |
Tao Huang |
Research fellows, associate or assistant researchers |
Epidemiology, biostatistics, toxicology, occupational health, environmental health, nutrition and food hygiene, physical and chemical inspection, microorganism examination, social medicine and health management, maternal, child and adolescent health |
The candidates must be able to do research and teach related disciplines, such as epidemiology, biostatistics, toxicology, occupational health, environmental health, nutrition and food hygiene, physical and chemical inspection, microorganism examination, social medicine and health management, maternal, child and adolescent health. |
Qing Wang |
School of Stomatology |
Assistant researchers and above |
Stomatology |
To teach undergraduates and fulfill other assigned teaching tasks; undertake research projects or teaching projects at departmental/ministerial/provincial levels; publish one SCI paper or have one national patent for invention; win third-class awards or above for research and teaching achievements at ministerial or provincial levels. |
Shaoli Zhang |
Research assistants and above |
Nursing or public health and preventive medicine |
1. To teach undergraduates and postgraduates; 2. To do research about nursing and other related disciplines and apply for national research projects actively; 3. To publish high-quality SCI or SSCI papers; 4. To fulfill other tasks assigned. |
Yuan Cao |
Associate researchers and above |
Synthetic pharmacochemistry, natural pharmaceutical chemistry, microbial and biochemical pharmacy |
Assistant researchers should have competitive teaching skills, take part in research actively, apply for and undertake research or teaching projects at ministerial or provincial levels during the employment term, and publish at least one SCI paper as first author or corresponding author. They should be qualified to be promoted to associate professor within five years. Associate researchers should provide high-quality teaching programs to undergraduates and postgraduates; take charge of one national research or teaching project during the employment term; publish at least four SCI papers as first author or corresponding author (one must be published in a journal with an impact factor higher than 3); be qualified to be promoted to professor within five years. Research fellows should have excellent teaching skills, providing teaching programs to undergraduates and postgraduates. They should take charge of at least two national research or teaching projects during the employment term, or of projects with the total funding available exceeding RMB5 million. They should publish at least four SCI or CSSCI papers as first author or corresponding author (one must be published in a journal with an impact factor higher than 5). |
Xiaoning Wang |
Assistant researchers and above |
Pharmacology, immunopharmacology and clinical pharmacy |
Associate researchers and above |
Drug delivery system research, pharmacokinetics and drug quality control |
Associate researchers |
Social medicine and health service management |
To teach undergraduates and graduates during the employment term; apply for 1-2 research projects; publish at least two SCI/SSCI papers. |
Bo Liu |
Center for Reproductive Medicine |
Associate researchers and above |
Epidemiology |
To do research about clinical epidemiology; to help develop disciplines actively; to undertake national, ministerial or provincial projects, with competitive research capabilities. |
Hongbin Cong |
III. Positions for foreign faculty (Cheeloo College of Medicine)
1. General requirements
The applicants should be native English speakers trained in medical sciences with rich teaching and research experience in famous universities in English-speaking countries, and have insights into the frontier of medical education and medical science development.
2. Disciplines and research areas for foreign teachers (School of Basic Medical Sciences)
Subjects |
Post responsibilities |
Requirements |
Contacts |
Anatomy |
Professor(Academic): Independently applying for and responsible for research projects, engaging in frontier research work. Research workload should be no less than the average workload level of the same position of the school. |
Having graduated from a prestigious university2.More than three years postdoctoral experience in a scientific research institution abroad3.Having published high level academic papers. |
Huiming Jiang |
Associate Professor (Academic): Independently applying for and responsible for research projects, engaging in frontier research work. Research workload should be no less than the average workload level of the same position of the school. |
The applicant should be a postdoc or PhD graduate from a prestigious university abroad, able to fulfill position responsibilities.
IV. Postdoctoral positions
1. General requirements:
1) Recent PhD graduates;
2) Good morals and academic strength; good health; great communication and coordination skills; a team player capable of working independently; under the age of 36.
3) Good English reading, listening and speaking skills and capable of writing English papers;
4) Capable of conducting medical research independently or jointly;
5) Applicants with a PhD degree granted by Shandong University will not be admitted to the postdoctoral research stations of the same level of discipline in our university except in enterprise postdoc positions.
6) In compliance with relative regulations for postdocs of Shandong University.
2. Positions and requirements:
Hiring units |
Disciplines |
Subject areas |
Other requirements |
Contacts |
School of Basic Medical Sciences | Biochemistry, molecular/cell biology, pharmacology, or other relevant specialties. | Membrane receptor target pharmacology, Correlation Research of GPCR | Candidates should be under 45 years old |
Sun Jinpeng +86-531-88382092 sunjinpeng@sdu.edu.cn |
Pathology, oncology, or other relevant specialties. | Tumor pathology | The candidates should be under the age of 40 and master general experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology. |
Gao Peng +856-531-88383168 gaopeng@sdu.edu.cn |
Cardiovasculogy (internal medicine, physiology, pharmacology), or other relevant specialties. | Vascular biology, Molecular mechanism of CVD, Cardiovascular pharmacology |
The candidates should master general experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology. |
Jiang Fan +86-531-88382044 fjiang@sdu.edu.cn |
Urinary surgery, pathology, oncology, molecular/cell biology, or other relevant specialties. | Molecular pathology type, Research on progression, molecular mechanism metastasis and clinical transformation of tumor | The candidates should be under the age of 40 and master general experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology. |
Chen Weiwen +86-531-88382092-404 chenweiwen@sdu.edu.cn |
Molecular biology, immunology, oncology, cell biology, or other relevant specialties. |
Immune microenvironment and tumor; Immunological pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases |
The candidates should master general experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology and immunology. |
Han Lihui +86-531-88382038 hanlihui@sdu.edu.cn |
Biology and immunology, or other relevant specialties. |
Microenvironment and chronic liver diseases (the role of infection, metabolic or immunoregulatory abnormalities in chronic hepatitis, fatty liver and liver cancer); Research on the cell development and gene expression regulation in liver; Innate immune cells and liver-related diseases |
The candidates should be under the age of 40 and master general experimental technique of molecular biology/immunology and be familiar with knockout mouse models. |
Ma Chunhong +86-531-88382370 machunhong@sdu.edu.cn |
Neural development and regeneration, human anatomy, or other relevant specialties |
Neural development and brain-derived diseases |
Sun Jinhao +86-531-88381068 sunjinhao@sdu.edu.cn |
Basic medicine, clinical medicine, preventive medicine, pharmacy, biology, or other relevant specialties. | Infection immunity and malignant transformation of gastrointestinal area (intestinal cancer and gastric cancer) | The candidates should master experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology and be familiar with knockout mouse models. |
Jia Jihui +86-531-88382672 jiajihui@sdu.edu.cn |
Medical science or zoology, parasitology, molecular/cell biology, or other relevant specialties. | Human parasitology (parasitology and parasitic disease control, especially molecular pathogenesis and control of toxoplasma gondii, gene vaccine, or other relevant specialties) | The candidates should be under the age of 40 and master general experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology and be familiar with all kinds of animal models. |
He Shenyi +86-531-88382042 shenyihe@sdu.edu.cn |
Medical sciences and biology or other relevant specialties | The candidates should be under the age of 40 and master general experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology. |
Zhang Lining +86-531-88382038 zhanglining@sdu.edu.cn |
Molecular biology, immunology, oncology, cell biology, pharmacology, and kidney disease of internal medicine or other relevant specialties. |
Pathogenesis and intervention strategy of kidney diseases |
The candidates should master general experimental techniques of molecular/cell biology, immunology and animal model building. |
Fan Yi +86-531-88382616 fanyi@sdu.edu.cn |
School of Medicine |
Clinical medicine and biologicalmedicine | Clinical medicine and biological medicine | Under 40 years old; clinical applicants should normally have clinical experience in hospitals |
Tao Huang +86-531-88382085 huangt@sdu.edu.cn |
School of Public Health |
Preventive medicine and related areas |
Subjects related to preventive medicine: Health microbiology, occupational health and occupational diseases, environmental health or environmental science-related fields, epidemiology, biostatistics, maternal and child health, toxicology, laboratory science of public health, social medicine and health management |
Under 40 years old (born after January 1, 1977) |
Qing Wang +86-531-88382131 qingwang@sdu.edu.cn |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Medicinal Chemistry, Medicinal Natural Products Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Immunology, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacognosy, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Engineering; Medicine, Chemistry, Biology and related fields; |
Design, synthesis, and bioactivity of new drugs; Organic synthesis; Discovery and mode of action of bioactive natural products; Biosynthesis of natural products; Carbohydrate chemistry and glycobiology; Chemical biology; Biotechnological pharmaceutics; Research on pharmaceutics and drug delivery systems; Molecular pharmacology and Immunopharmacology; Clinical pharmacy and pharmacokinetics; Pharmaceutical analysis; Quality control study in pharmaceutical production process; Pharmacognosy; | No more than 40 years of age; having published at least two first authored papers on SCI or EI-indexed journals (or one research article with IF more than 3.0) |
Lingzi KONG +86-531-88382590 lingzikong@sdu.edu.cn |
School of Stomatology |
Medical science, material science | Clinical science of stomatology, Regenerative medicine, Molecular / cellular biology, Biomaterials | Familiar with experimental techniques in molecular and cellular biology. |
Yong Wen wenyong@sdu.edu.cn +86-531-88382999 |
School of nursing |
Nursing, Clinical medicine, Public health, Psychology |
Nursing, Health policy and management, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Medical sociology, Psychology or related majors. (Priority is given to non-nursing majors.) |
Age less than 45 years old. |
Yuan Cao +86-531-88382696 nursing@sdu.edu.cn |
School of Health Care Management |
Social medicine and health management, economics, public management, pharmaceutical economics, public health and preventive medicine |
Public health, health economics, health management, pharmaceutical management |
Less than 35 years old, with better research methodology training on health system and policy research, having the capability to conduct health policy, health economics research independently. |
Bo Liu +86-531-88382208 liubo@sdu.edu.cn |
The Second Hospital of Shandong University |
No limit |
Breast Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Hematologic Diseases, Neurology, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery |
The age under 32 years old |
+86-531-85875205 shandaeryuanvip@163.com |
Center for Reproductive Medicine |
Developmental biology, reproductive biology, molecular / cell biology, reproductive medicine and other related professional. |
Research on molecular mechanisms of germ cell development at different stages, such as primordial germ cells, oocyte, spermatocytes. The training involves working in Professor Kui Liu’s lab in Sweden and in Professor Zi-Jiang Chen’s lab in Shandong University, China. |
Applicants should be under 40 years of age. A background in genetically modified mouse models is required. The postdoc projects will be performed as joint projects between University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Shandong University, China.
Hongwei Nie Please send cover letters, CVs and the contact information of 2 referees in one PDF file to humangenetics2008@hotmail.com |
V. Application methods
Interested applicants should contact the corresponding contacts listed above directly.
Recruitment information is valid throughout the year.

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