Faculty positions available in Department of Physics,
Zhejiang University, P. R. China
The Institute of Optics in the Department of Physics at Zhejiang University is expanding its research scope and seeking two or three outstanding candidates to fill in faculty positions in optics (including classical optics, and quantum optics and quantum information) for “youth thousand Talents Program (青年****)” and also for its newly launched and well funded “Hundred Talents Program (浙江大学百人计划)”. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in physics (or closely related fields), and a distinguished record of scholarship. The successful applicant is expected to develop an innovative research program and to participate in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Zhejiang University offers a generous start-up fund, a competitive salary (from USD45,000 to 60,000 annually before tax depending on the qualification of the applicants) and an attractive housing benefit with the opportunity to purchase university's apartment at a affordable price.
Founded in 1897 and located near the West Lake in the beautiful city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang University is one of the top universities in China. With about 80 faculty members, the current research activities of the Physics Department span from various sub-fields including particle physics and field theory, condensed matter physics, atomic, molecular and optical physics, plasma physics, statistical physics and bio-physics.
Further information about the Department of Physics and the faculty members is available at http://physics.zju.edu.cn/. Interested candidates should send a copy of Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications, five representative papers, and a statement of research interests and plans, and the names and contact information of three references, to Professor Bo ZHENG, Chair, Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou 310027, China, E-mail:zhoulab@zju.edu.cn.
Post-doctorsAvailable in Quantum Optics
The Instituteof Optics in the Department of Physics at Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) invites application for three Post-Doctor positions worldwide in the field of Quantum Optics. The appointment is 12 to 24 months with possibility of extensionfor another 12 months under mutual agreement. The applicants must have a Ph. D degree in Physics, preferred in Quantum Optics (but not exclusive). Candidates for the positions should send their application together with the following documents(CV, list of publications, brief outline of research interest, and the names and contact information of two referees) toMiss ZhenWU (吴珍)(zhoulab@zju.edu.cn). The deadline for the application is June 30, 2017. Applications forthe positions will be considered by a selection committee of the Institute of Opticschaired by Prof. Shi-Yao Zhu.
Salary Information: RMB 12,500 to RMB 23,000 per month before the tax depending on the qualification.
Current research in the Institute of Optics includes cold atoms and BEC, light propagation in media, Quantum Optics and Quantum information, such as quantum interference effect, entanglement, application of the meta-mat
erials in quantum optics, and the interaction between light and matter (atoms, molecules and solids). More information about the Institute of Opticscan be found in http://physics.zju.edu.cn/pw/zjuoptics/.
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