Job Title: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant
Job Number: 4009433 (Ref.#. 109/11)
Date Posted: 06/13/2011
Application Deadline: 6/19/2011
Job Description
Division of Biomedical Sciences
Cell Signalling Research Centre
Post-Doctoral Research Assistant
Full time, 3 years fixed-term
Applications are invited from enthusiastic and ambitious individuals with excellent communication and interpersonal skills for this new postdoctoral Research Assistant post working within the Division of Biomedical Sciences in Dr K Török’s laboratory. You will be a highly motivated individual used to working in a multidisciplinary environment.
You should possess a PhD in Physiology, Biochemistry or Biophysics.
This new position is funded by the Wellcome Trust to develop and study in neurophysiological systems novel probes of the Ca2+ signalling pathway.
Experience in fluorescence techniques, fast kinetics, flash photolysis would be an advantage but molecular biology, protein biochemistry background with a desire to learn cell physiology is also suitable. Knowledge in neurotransmission, Ca2+ signaling and protein kinase structure-function is desirable.
An essential element of the research project is to pursue an active collaboration with Dr D Ogden’s and Dr J Bradley’s Research Groups at Paris Descartes Medical School in Paris, France. This will involve several trips and some weeks spent there and the willingness to work with both Dr Török’s and Dr Ogden’s groups on the project.
The starting salary for this post is within the range £32,770 to £37,543 inclusive of London Allowance.
For further information about this position, and to apply, visit http://jobs.sgul.ac.uk. General enquiries can be made to the Recruitment Team on 020 8725 3314/0131 or jobs@sgul.ac.uk. Informal inquiries may be addressed to k.torok@sgul.ac.uk or on 020 8725 5832.
Please quote reference: 109/11.
Closing date: 19 June 2011.
Interview date: 24 June 2011.
St George’s is an Equal Opportunities Employer
St George's University of London
United Kingdom
Online Application: Apply for this job from Employer's website
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