job description
Multiple positions of postdoctoral/graduate research fellow are available to start on as early as July 1, 2011 in the Department of Biomedical Engineering/College of Medicine at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210
The positions are a result of multiple extramurally funded (by NIH, NSF, and American Cancer Society) projects in the following five research areas:
1. Oocyte/embryo isolation, in vitro fertilization (IVF), in vitro embryo development, and in vivo embryo/oocyte transfer together with cryopreservation for assisted reproductive medicine
2. In vitro and in vivo handling (culture, differentiation, and preservation) of embryonic/mesenchymal stem cells for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
3. Synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles (drug/gene delivery) for both in vitro and in vivo cancer treatment and cancer biology (particularly that of cancer stem cells)
4. Design and fabrication of microfluidic bioMEMS devices for micro-drop generation and cell separation/sorting
5. Multiscale modeling, particularly that of non-equilibrium phase change phenomena (e.g., vitrification or glass formation) in or related to living cells
At least one position is available for each of the five research domains listed above. If you have strong experience in one or more of the above-listed areas and are interested in applying, please submit a cover letter indicating the research area(s) that you are interested in together with a brief description of your experience in the area(s), up to 3 representative publications/manuscripts in the area(s), and a full CV with a complete list of all your journal publications. To apply, please go to https://www.jobsatosu.com/applicants/jsp/shared/search/Search_css.jsp and search the job posting using requisition number 357802.
Contact information:
Xiaoming He, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
The Ohio State University
Department of Biomedical Engineering
1080 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: he.429@osu.edu
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