Job Title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in biomarker assessment
Job Number: 4009511
Date Posted: 06/27/2011
Job Description
Postdoctoral Fellow Position at the Food and Drug Administration’s
Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)
Silver Spring, Maryland
A postdoctoral fellowship position is open within the CDRH’s Division of Imaging and Applied Mathematics at the Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, which supports FDA's regulatory decisions for medical devices with laboratory research. The position is funded for two years, with potential for renewal based on the availability of funds.
The applicant will work closely with a multidisciplinary team including physicists, mathematicians/statisticians, and electrical engineers on a project investigating methods for the statistical evaluation of in vitro biomarkers and biomarker combinations via pattern classifiers. Specific areas of research include receiver operating characteristic (ROC) modeling of biomarker measurement errors and quantification of their impact on the performance of biomarkers in diagnosis, prognosis, or predicting response to therapy, development of efficient strategy for reducing measurement errors, and development of assessment methods for pattern classifiers that combine multiple biomarkers. Candidates should have a background in biostatistics, applied mathematics, physics, bioinformatics or a relevant field of study. Experience in ROC, biomarker research, microarray data analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation would be welcome.
The Fellow will become conversant with biomarker development and the FDA’s device-approval process and will gain expertise in clinical trials methodology for diagnostics. Through combined training in scientific research and regulatory review, the Fellow will learn how to anticipate regulatory issues during the development process so they can improve early stage medical product development with improved planning. This additional insight will serve the Fellow regardless of the future path he/she takes: be it a career in research and development, teaching, regulatory or an administrative role.
Applications including a CV and Statement of Research Interests should be submitted via email by August 10, 2011.
Address applications to:
Weijie Chen, Ph.D.
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Please include the following title in the subject line of any correspondence related to this position:
“Biomarker Assessment Postdoctoral Fellowship”
Food and Drug Administration
Silver Spring, MD
United States
Email: weijie.chenfda.hhs.gov
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