2010-12-17 14:02 来源: 未知 作者: admin
A full-time Post Doctoral Fellow position is available immediately for a highly motivated candidate at the Daniel-Swarovski-Laboratory (DSL) of the Department of Surgery, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria. The successful candidate will join a new established research team in the field of transplantation immunology. The group is studying the mechanisms of graft rejection/transplantion tolerance in patients and established animal models. The position is intended for exceptional candidates with an MD, Ph.D., or M.D/PhD, who has excellent graduate training and a record of publications in immunology/molecular biology. Experiences in innate immunity (NK cells), T-cell biology, and animal models are highly desired. Experimental skills in molecular biology (DNA/RNA, real-time RT-PCR) and cell biology (flow cytometry, cell sorting) are desirable.
Our department is one of the largest centers in the country and offers excellent opportunities for individual training and development in this field. The successful candidate will work in an exciting team of young and motivated scientists in a beautiful area offering many leisure activities (skiing, hiking, mountain biking).
Interested applicants should email their curriculum vitae, a statement of current and future research interests, and complete contact information of three references. The applicant must be able to come to Innsbruck for an interview if invited. The position is available from 01/01/2011 for two years with option of extension. Please send your application to:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katja Kotsch
Innsbruck Medical University (IMU)
Department for Visceral-, Transplantation- and Thoracic Surgery
Daniel Swarovski Laboratory
Innrain 66,
6020 Innsbruck
Tel. +43 0512 504 24623,
Fax +43 0512 504 24625
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