Job Title: Postdoctoral Fellow - Climate Change Pastures and Livestock
Job Number: 4009516 (Ref.#. ACT00353)
Date Posted: 06/27/2011
Application Deadline: 7/24/2011
Job Description
* Climate Change- be part of the solution
* Work with world leaders in modelling of agricultural systems
* Join CSIRO - Australia's premier science and technology research organisation
The Position:
Climate change poses a major challenge to Australian agriculture. We are looking for a scientist who will apply their skills in mathematical modelling to help significantly improve the level at which livestock producers across southern Australia understand the impacts of climate change and the future implications for their enterprise and region.
This postdoctoral fellow will work on a project that is part of the larger Australia’s Farming Future program of research and development.
Together with a range of collaborators, we are:
* Estimating the impacts of projected climate changes to 2070 on pasture growth and quality, livestock production, business risk and natural resource management outcomes in a range of livestock enterprises across southern Australia;
* Developing a range of options for adaptation to climate change (in consultation with producers) and estimating their likely effectiveness in economic and environmental terms;
* Evaluating the uncertainty in the impacts and adaptation projections due to uncertainty in climate projections; and
* Integrating locally-focused climate change impacts and adaptation studies to understand the implications for policy makers and for longer-term R&D planning in the livestock industries.
As well as the opportunity to help equip livestock producers to deal with the impacts of climate change, this position will enable a recent PhD graduate to develop their skills in modelling by working with CSIRO’s world-leading network of agricultural systems analysts.
Location: Black Mountain, ACT
Salary: $73K - $80K plus up to 15.4% superannuation
Ref no: ACT00353
For further information and to apply online for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow please visit our website at http://www.csiro.au/careers, under "Positions Vacant" chose the “Other vacancies” link and search for Reference Number ACT00353
Contact: Andrew Moore
Plant Industry
Canberra, ACT
Phone: 61 2 62465298
Employer's Web Site: Visit employer's website
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