A post-doctoral position is available in the group of Dr. Petri Kursula, to study structure-function relationships in proteins specifically expressed in the myelin sheath. The targets of the project are membrane-associated myelin proteins, which have functions e.g. in the interactions between the myelin sheath and the axon, and in the compaction of the multilayered myelin membrane. We are specifically interested in the structures of these proteins and their complexes, their interactions with macromolecular and small-molecule ligands, as well as membranes.
The project will involve e.g. large-scale recombinant expression of myelin proteins or domains thereof, their biophysical characterization, X-ray crystallography and other structural biology methods, as well as more specific methods, such as oriented CD spectroscopy and other membrane interaction assays.
The ideal candidate will have:
- PhD in biochemistry/structural biology or a closely related field
- a good publication record
- significant hands-on experience in recombinant protein expression and large-scale purification
- a genuine interest in structural biology
- fluency in English
- experience in supervising junior colleagues
Previous work with extracellular domains or peripheral membrane proteins will be considered an asset, as will experience in versatile structural biology and biophysical methods.
The position is initially available for 1 year, with possibilities for extension for up to 3 years. The selected candidate will be affiliated with the Department of Biochemistry, University of Oulu, Finland, but a large part of the work is expected to be carried out at the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB-HZI), on-site the DESY synchrotron campus, Hamburg, Germany.
More information about our group can be found at www.biochem.oulu.fi/kursula.
To apply, please send your cv, including list of publications, plus the names and email addresses of 2-3 referees by email to petri.kursula@oulu.fi. The application deadline is July 31st, 2011.
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