Employer: University of Bergen
Location: Bergen, NORWAY
Type: Other
Posted: July 03, 2011
Expires: August 26, 2011
Requisition number: Euraxess-euraxess-jobs-33720931
job description
The Geophysical Institute invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position in tropical meteorology/climate dynamics. The postdoctoral position is a fixed-term post, the chief objective being to qualify the selected candidate for work in senior positions in their disciplines. The term of employment for this position is 4 years, of which up to 25 % of the period shall be dedicated to mandatory tasks at the institute. It is not possible for any person to work under more than one temporary appointment as postdoctoral fellow for the same institution.
The Geophysical Institute (http://www.uib.no/gfi/en) carries out research and provides education in physical, dynamical and chemical oceanography, meteorology and climatology. The department currently has 17 permanent scientific and 12 technical/ administrative positions. In addition, there are 6 adjunct professors and around 50 PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and full-time researchers. The position is in the general area of tropical climate variability and predictability, and the work will involve analysing observations and performing climate model simulations. Although significant advances have been made in this field, major uncertainties exist in our understanding and ability to simulate and predict tropical climate. A key uncertainty is the representation of atmospheric convection and its interaction with the large-scale circulation and land/ocean surface. Another uncertainty is the representation of low-level stratocumulus clouds. The fellow will assess how well these processes are represented in climate models, and identify key sources of uncertainty. Other possible research topics include investigating the dynamics of large-scale modes of tropical climate variability, such as in the equatorial Atlantic. Applicants must have achieved a Norwegian doctorate in meteorology, oceanography, geosciences, physics, mathematics (or other relevant natural sciences), or equivalent education abroad, or have presented the dissertation for assessment by the closing date for the application. It is a prerequisite that the dissertation has been approved before appointment is granted. Candidates should have strong background in the area of tropical convection and good knowledge of large-scale ocean-atmosphere dynamics and climate variability, and observational or model data analysis. It is also required that the successful candidate has experience with general circulation or earth system models. Experience working with the NCAR/CSM model system would be advantageous. The candidate will work in a lively research environment and should have good team working skills. A project plan and a progress plan will be written in cooperation with the project supervisor on appointment. It is a premise that the selected candidate will complete the project within the stipulated period of employment. The project proposal and progress plan shall (sic: form part of) be annexed to the employment contract, and shall include the name of the person who is to be the discipline advisor for the selected candidate. The teaching language will normally be Norwegian. Further information on the position can be obtained from professor Noel Keenlyside, Geophysical Institute, e-mail: noel.keenlyside@gfi.uib.no / phone.: +49 431 6004054 or professor Helge Drange, e-mail helge.drange@gfi.uib.no / phone.: +47 55 58 26 53 / cellphone: +47 977 40 589.
Starting salary on grade 57 (code 1352/pay framework 24.1) in the Civil Service pay grade table, currently NOK 456,100 gross p.a.; following ordinary meriting regulations (wage range 57–64). In the case of particularly highly qualified applicants a higher salary may be considered.
Additional Job Details
Send electronic application, CV, certificates and diplomas and a list of scientific publications by clicking on the button marked “APPLY FOR THIS JOB” on this page. The application should also contain a statement of research interests including specific motivation for the position, and the names and contact details of at least two referees. Applications sent by e-mail to random individuals at the institute will not be considered. Closing date for applications: 26 August 2011 The application should be marked: 2011/7583
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