Employer: University of Gothenburg
Location: Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Type: Other
Posted: July 04, 2011
Expires: August 08, 2011
Requisition number: Euraxess-euraxess-jobs-33719491
job description
As part of an internationally successful research group in biochemistry and biophysics at the University of Gothenburg you will use multidimensional femtosecond spectroscopy to study quantum effects in bacterial reaction centres. We are looking for an enthusiastic and driven post-doctoral researcher with a background in laser spectroscopy and/or biophysics. The position is for 1 + 1 year.
Responsibilities The work involves all steps of the project: experimental design, protein production, data acquisition and analysis, and publication. Co-supervision of Ph.D. students and M.Sc. thesis students is also part of the duties. The selected candidate is expected to attend international conferences and meetings, both to present the own work and to establish useful contacts in the researcher community. Qualification requirements To qualify as a postdoctoral fellow you must have completed a Ph.D. in a subject area relevant for the position or you must have a foreign degree corresponding to a Ph.D. in a subject area relevant for the position. Preference will be given to candidates who have been awarded the degree no more than three years before the final date of application. Candidates being awarded their degree earlier than this can also be preferred if specific reasons exist. Such specific reasons may be a leave due to illness, parental leave or other similar circumstances. Assessment The applicant should have documented experience in time-resolved spectroscopy, biophysics, or another field relevant to the project. This is primarily shown by publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Experience with quantum dynamical concepts is considered to be a merit. Priority will be given to the applicant, with proven ability to work independently. An additional requirement is the ability to communicate in English, in oral as well as in writing. Please contact Dr. Sebastian Westenhoff (westenho@chem.gu.se) for more information and visit the following website for detailed information on how to apply: http://ledig-anstallning.adm.gu.se/detail.php?lt_id=6903&lang=eng
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