Employer: University College Cork
Website: http://www.ucc.ie/en/pharmacy/
Location: Cork, Ireland
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: July 08, 2011
Expires: August 05, 2011
Jobs by tag(s): scientist vaccine biologic formulation pharmaceutics glp gmp proces development
job description
A vacancy exists for a post-doctoral scientist to join the ImmuPatch team based in the School of Pharmacy, University College Cork, Ireland from September 2011. ImmuPatch is a transdermal patch platform technology based on silicon and dissolvable microneedle arrays. For more information please go to: www.immupatch.com
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral scientist experienced in formulation of biologics or vaccine manufacture to join the team who are developing this technology to clinical and commercial endpoints. The successful candidate will undertake research to develop vaccine- and biologic drug-loaded microneedle arrays and to develop, perform and validate assays to determine physico-chemical and stability properties. As part of the ImmuPatch team the scientist will also liaise with scientists at the Tyndall National Institute (www.tyndall.ie) .
We are seeking an enthusiastic, motivated scientist with an ability to work to a high standard with a proven track record in publishing papers in peer review journals or in a relevant commercial research and development environment. The research requires skills in drug and/or vaccine formulation and development and validation of assays for drug/vaccine content and stability. Experience of working in vaccine or biologic drug formulation is essential. Previous experience of in vitro transdermal models and GMP/GLP experience is desirable. The scientist will have a 1st or 2H1 honours degree in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics or a related Life Sciences discipline and relevant industrial experience. The candidate should possess excellent communication, planning, organising, team working, practical, problem solving, and record-keeping skills. Funding is initially available for 2 years and the salary will be commensurate with experience.
Applications should include the following:
• a covering letter, detailing your suitability for and interest in the position,
• full curriculum vitae
• details of three referees
and should be sent by email to Dr. Anne Moore, School of Pharmacy, Cavanagh Pharmacy Building, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: anne.moore@ucc.ie.
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