mployer: Medical Research Council
job descriptionPostdoctoral Fellowship Noncoding RNAs in B lymphocyte biology We are offering a 3 year postdoctoral position to work on the roles of non-coding RNAs in B lymphocyte development, survival and function. The work will involve immunology, RNAseq, computational biology, and mouse genetics. Candidates should have a strong background in molecular biology or immunology. Previous experience in the analysis of RNAseq or transcriptomic datasets would be an advantage. We particularly encourage applications from candidates with proven knowledge of bioinformatic or computational techniques who wish to combine both “dry” and “wet” science. This is a 3 year MRC-funded Career Development Fellowship (CDF) which is a training and development position for junior post-doctoral scientists. The position would be based in the laboratory of Victor Tybulewicz in the Division of Immune Cell Biology at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London. Situated in Mill Hill, North West London, the National Institute for Medical Research is the largest MRC institute, supporting some 70 research groups and 500 bench scientists. The Institute provides excellent training for researchers in a multi-disciplinary environment and is equipped with state of the art facilities. http://www.nimr.mrc.ac.uk/employment/ Salary range is from £27,513 – £33,249 per annum inclusive of London Allowance. MRC final salary Pension Scheme is available. Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Victor Tybulewicz: Applications are handled by the RCUK Shared Services Centre; to apply please visit our job board at https://ext.ssc.rcuk.ac.uk and complete an online application form. Applicants who would like to receive this advert in an alternative format (e.g. large print, Braille, audio or hard copy), or who are unable to apply online should contact us by telephone on 01793 867003, Please quote reference number IRC25868. Closing date: 15th August 2011 The MRC is an Equal Opportunities Employer |
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