2011-07-20 17:03 来源: 未知 作者: 颜墨
Job Role: Immunology, Biology
Vacancy: AGR1267 A career growth opportunity in mucosal immunology of farm animals within AgResearch, a Crown Research Institute in New Zealand. The Dairy Foods team within the Food and Bio-Based Products Capability line of AgResearch is investigating the role of milk in contributing to host defence. In particular, we are focusing on how milk components protect the mammary gland, contribute to the functionality of milk, and influence digestive function and immune system development in the neonate. The goal of the research is to better understand the function of milk as an immune secretion, as well as to evaluate the health benefits of milk components. Further details can be found in recent publications (J. Proteome Res. (2007) 6, 207-215; Mol. Immunol. (2008) 45(7), 1944-1951; J. Anim. Sci. (2009) 87(suppl.) 3-9), and J. Mammary Gland Biol. & Neoplasia (2007) 12(4), 237-247. The team seeks a PhD graduate with a published track record of research in immunology to help contribute to the team’s scientific productivity and direction and contribute to commercial outcomes. The successful candidate will have the ability to develop research projects independently, will be comfortable working in a team environment, and will have excellent communication skills, including fluency in English. This position is located at AgResearch’s Ruakura campus in Hamilton, New Zealand. Ruakura offers a park-like setting, access to sporting and social activities and a relaxed and friendly work environment. For further information, contact Dr. Tom Wheeler, Phone +64-7-838-5196, Email: tom.wheeler@agresearch.co.nz For more information about this position or to apply, please go to www.agresearch.co.nz/careers Applications close Friday, 19 August 2011. |
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