2011-07-22 17:07 来源: 科学时报 作者: 颜墨
Opening for a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Electrical &Computer Engineering at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
Our research group is looking for a talented researcher whose responsibilities would primarily include the research and development of a novel graph searching method for medical image segmentation. The graph searching approach developed in our group has been demonstrated to be an innovative segmentation method, which impulses us to broaden and deepen the investigation. We are particularly interested in improving the efficacy of the graph searching method with applications in radiation therapy and OCT image analysis. In addition to medical imaging, this research will draw diverse techniques from a number of theoretical areas such as graph algorithms, computational geometry, combinatorial optimization, discrete mathematics, and operations research. This Postdoctoral fellowship provides an opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary team of faculty collaborators across the University with the formation of an Iowa Institute of Biomedical Imaging (IIBI).
The ideal candidate must be highly motivated and has a strong background in medical image analysis and computational science. Proven ability to work independently and experience in quantitative image analysis are considered to be important assets for this position. Interest in computer algorithms is expected. The candidate is also expected to be willing to work in a cross-disciplinary environment. Good communication as well as writing skills is desirable. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or a closely related field.
The position is for one year in the first instance and has the potential to be extended for suitably qualified candidates if skills, interest and performance allow. This position is immediately available and will start at a mutually agreed upon date. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.
The application must include the following:
§ Cover letter highlighting his/her suitability for this position;
§ Curriculum vitae;
§ Up to three selected preprints/reprints most relevant to this position;
§ Two letters of reference.
The application should be sent to Dr. Xiaodong Wu or Dr. Milan Sonka at the address below (email applications only). The position is available until filled. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Dr. Xiaodong Wu
Dep.t of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dept. of Radiation Oncology
The University of Iowa
Dr. Milan Sonka
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dept. of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dept. of Radiation Oncology
The University of Iowa
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