Job Title:Positions for Toxin-Antitoxin Systems/Biofilm Formation/Virulence/Persistence
Job Number:4009824
Date Posted:08/29/2011
Application Deadline:10/31/2011
Job Description
Post-doctoral positions are available immediately for microbiologists, molecular biologists, biochemical engineers, and geneticists interested in discerning the genetic basis of bacterial biofilm formation, of toxin/antitoxin systems (i.e., persistence), and of virulence using E. coli and P. aeruginosa as model systems. We have an Affymetrix facility wholly contained in my lab that allows unparalleled access to microarray data. Also, the lab is newly renovated (3500 ft2) and in a beautiful edifice. A Ph.D. in microbiology, molecular microbiology, biochemistry, or a related field with a strong background in molecular biology is required as well as a strong desire to learn about bacterial physiology. Experience with microarrays is advantageous but is not necessary. Applicants should have a successful peer-reviewed publication history (at least two published manuscripts as a first author). Our laboratory has researchers working on various projects including the protein engineering of biofilm-related regulators and protein structure/function relationships. Our recent biofilm publications include those in Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Communications, PLoS Pathogens, PNAS, Nature ISMEJ, Microb. Biotechnol., J. Molecular Biology, Infect. Immun., Molecular Systems Biology, Environ. Microbiol., J. Bacteriol., BMC Microbiology, and Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Note we will be moving the laboratory to Penn State University in December 2011.
Please send curriculum vitae and the names of three references via e-mail to Professor Thomas K. Wood, T. Michael O’Connor II Chair and Professor, 220 Jack. E. Brown Building, 3122 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843-3122; (979) 862-1588, Thomas.Wood@chemail.tamu.edu
Contact:Thomas Wood
Chemical Engineering/Biology
Texas A & M University
220 Jack E. Brown Building
3122 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3122
United States
Phone: 979-862-1588
Email: thomas.woodchemail.tamu.edu
Employer's Web Site:Visit employer's website
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