Postdoctoral Researcher : Tukholmankatu 8, Helsinki, Finland
Employer: Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM)
Website: http://www.fimm.fi/en/research/research_groups/group_kuznetsov/
Location: Tukholmankatu 8, Helsinki, Finland
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: October 01, 2011
Expires: October 31, 2011
Jobs by tag(s): dna repair shrna rnai hts
Requisition number: Postdoc in functional genomics
job description
A post-doctoral position is available at the University of Helsinki-FIMM, to investigate mechanisms of drug resistance in cancer in the group of Dr. Sergey Kuznetsov.
*Institute *
for Molecular Medicine Finland (http://www.fimm.fi/en/) was established in 2007 as an international research institution in partnership with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (www.embl.org) and the Nordic nodes for molecular medicine in Norway and Sweden. It is a subsidiary of the University of Helsinki, strategically located in the North-Western part of the city next to the University’s Faculty of Medicine and several local hospitals. The institute aims to apply the latest technology to build a bridge between the basic research and its medical applications.
uses mouse models and functional genomics tools to identify essential mechanisms of cancer progression, especially the ones related to DNA repair and hereditary breast cancer. Learn more at http://www.fimm.fi/en/research/research_groups/group_kuznetsov/
will focus on using functional shRNA screens to identify prognostic markers and new therapeutic targets in breast cancer.
A successful candidate is required to hold a Ph.D. in genetics, cell biology, or a closely related field. Extensive English communication skills and bench-level experience with molecular and cell biology techniques are essential. A practical experience with lentiviral transduction methods and high-throughput screening technology will be strongly preferred. Recent graduates are encouraged to apply.
Job Type: Full time position
Compensation: Salary based on the University of Helsinki salary system
CLOSING DATE: October 31, 2011
To apply for this position, please send a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, and the contact information for three professional referees including current and former supervisors as a single pdf file to Dr. Sergey Kuznetsov (Email: sergey.kuznetsov@helsinki.fi).
When applying for this position, please mention you saw this ad on www.liuxuehr.com
Please also post your resume/CV in our resume database which is searched and viewed by many employers
and recruiters. This is a free service to all job seekers.
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