Postdoctoral researcher : 233 Nanaline Duke, Research Dr, Durham, NC 27710
Employer: Duke University Medical School
Website: http://www.biochem.duke.edu/modules/biochem_yokoyama_lab/index.php?id=1
Location: 233 Nanaline Duke, Research Dr, Durham, NC 27710
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: October 03, 2011
Expires: November 30, 2011
job description
Mechanistic enzymology, radicals and metals in biology.
Kenichi Yokoyama Lab; Duke University Medical Center (http://www.biochem.duke.edu/modules/biochem_yokoyama_lab/index.php?id=1)
A postdoctoral position (or a research scientist position) is available for either of the following projects in the Yokoyama lab at Duke University Medical Center:
1. Mechanism and regulation of radical enzymes in nucleotide and energy metabolisms in pathogenic bacteria with strong emphasis on ribonucleotide reductases and pyruvate formate lyase.
2. Modes of action of redox sensing antibiotics targeting anaerobic and chronic infections.
3. Mechanism of enzymes in the molybdenum cofactor biosynthetic pathway and their relations to neurologic disease.
The successful candidate will use variety of pre-steady state kinetic methods combined with biophysical detection methods and/or chemical biology tools, which include site-specific unnatural amino acid incorporation, protein labeling and EPR/NMR spectroscopies. The successful candidate will also experience extensive mechanistic thinking and discussions in the interdisciplinary fields of chemistry, enzymology, biophysics, neurology and bacteriology.
Applicants should have profound experience in general protein expression/purifications and enzyme activity assays. Solid background in basic biochemistry or chemistry is required. A candidate must be strong in communication, focused and motivated to succeed, and able to work as a team as well as independently. We are also looking for specialists in human tissue culture, in vivo imaging and metabolomics/proteomics. Synthetic chemical background would also be appreciated.
Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience based on Duke University or NIH scale. The position will be initially available for one year, with the renewal (up to 4-5 years) based on the performance and funding availability. The successful candidate will be encouraged to apply for independent fellowships to gain independent programs for his/her future career path. Send a cover letter (1-2 pages) outlining your research interest and career goal, current curriculum vitae, and a name and e-mail address of three references to:
Kenichi Yokoyama, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Department of Biochemistry, Duke University School of Medicine
233 Nanaline H. Duke, Durham, NC, 27710
Tel (Office): (919) 684-8848
Tel (Cell): (919) 317-2783
When applying for this position, please mention you saw this ad on www.liuxuehr.com
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and recruiters. This is a free service to all job seekers.

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