Postdoctoral associate : Chapel Hill, NC, 27599. USA
Employer: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Website: http://www.unc.edu
Location: Chapel Hill, NC, 27599. USA
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: October 07, 2011
Expires: December 04, 2011
Jobs by tag(s): immunology autoimmunity t cell tgf signaling molecular biology molecular genetics immune suppression nature immunology cancer inflammation regulatory t cell foxp3 biochemistry nature immunity
job description
We are a molecular genetic laboratory studying immune functions by using mouse models. The focus of our research is to investigate the molecular mechanisms of immune responses under normal and pathological conditions using genetic, molecular and biochemical approaches.
Currently, we are seeking a HIGHLY MOTIVATED postdoctoral fellow who has a background in Molecular Immunology, or in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry with a strong interest in Immunology research. You will be working in a high energy and high efficiency environment to study the functions of Treg cells, TGF-beta signaling in T cell biology, continuing with the work previously published in Immunity, Nature, Nature Immunology and PNAS.
To apply, please send the following and any relevant materials to Dr. Yisong Wan (wany@email.unc.edu).
1). Personal research statement outlining past research experience, current research and future research interests and plans. Please indicate the potential starting date in the statement (No more than 2 pages).
2). Updated C.V. (Curriculum Vitae) including publication list.
3). Description of research experience and accomplishments.
4). Contact information of three references.
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