University of Cambridge - Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Salary: £23,661 - £26,629 pa or £27,428 - £35,788 pa
Limit of tenure: 1 Year.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate: Multiphase Flow Monitoring using Electrical Tomography and Compressed Sensing
This project seeks to develop and improve our ability to experimentally study complex multiphase flows using advanced signal processing techniques, such as compressed sensing. Multiphase flows are critical to the performance of many processes in the chemical industries. For example, Fisher-Tropsch synthesis, a promising method for producing fuels from sustainable feed stocks such as biomass, relies on fluidized beds, trickle beds or slurry bubble column reactors - all of which are multiphase flow systems. This project aims to study the fundamental physical processes that underpin these processes by developing an electrical capacitance tomography system to image multiphase flows. This research will build on existing expertise in the department on sparse reconstruction using compressed sensing to improve the speed and accuracy of the images obtained. There will be close collaboration with Prof. L-S. Fan (Ohio State University), who is a global leader in dynamic, 3D electrical capacitance tomography. Although the major focus of this project will be on electrical capacitance tomography, the person appointed will work to extend our capabilities for sparse sampling in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The post is currently funded for 1 year, though additional funding is being sought to extend the project for a 2nd
Applicants should generally have a PhD (or equivalent experience) in a relevant discipline such as chemical engineering, engineering, chemistry, physics or applied mathematics. Experience in programming along with some experience in imagery construction or signal processing is essential. Experience in multi-phase flows would be advantageous.
To apply for this position, please send the following to the Research Secretary at recruitment@ceb.cam.ac.uk:
- A statement of the University's reference number (NP08985) in the subject line of your email
- A covering letter
- A detailed CV
- A completed CHRIS/6 form (Parts 1 and 3 only; please do not complete Part 2), which can be downloaded from http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/, with the titles, names and addresses of three referees.
Email is preferred; however, if you are unable to send your application via email, you may send it by post to The Research Secretary, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA.
Quote Reference: NP08985,
Closing Date: 11 November 2011
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
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