job description
New England Biolabs, Inc. (NEB) is a privately held biotechnology company with a worldwide reputation for providing quality reagents for the molecular biology market. NEB’s customers range from small academic laboratories to major research institutions to large industrial corporations. NEB has a strong research focus, and relies on the cooperative interaction of a motivated workforce for its success. NEB is located in a beautiful estate setting, LEED certified building north of Boston.
Postdoctoral Fellowship – Gene Expression Division- Job Code 1042MB
The Gene Expression Division invites applications for the position of postdoctoral fellow to study oxidative folding of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) within genetically engineered E. coli. The project involves cloning, overexpression, purification, assay-development, and redox related engineering of proteins and E. coli expression strains. Research will be undertaken in a highly collaborative and academic environment where publication of results is expected. This is an NIH funded project which involves developing and validating a mAb selection scheme within living bacterial cells. Applicants with relevant background in molecular biology, E. coli genetics and protein characterization are invited to apply.
The ideal candidate will:
•Have an independent and creative track record with interest in exploration and discovery of novel biological processes.
•Have demonstrated capacity in performing experiments, analyzing data, performing calculations and drawing conclusions regarding progress and results of work.
•Be able to handle multiple projects simultaneously
•Ph.D. in Molecular Microbiology or related fields.
•Have “good hands” with proven bench skills.
•Experience with E. coli genetics, molecular cloning, detection, protein engineering and protein purification.
•Excellent verbal and written communication skills; strong relevant publication record.
This position offers exciting opportunities for broad research training, collaboration with academic institutions, publishing in peer-reviewed journals and participation in national and international conferences.
New England Biolabs, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer
Qualified candidates may apply online at www.neb.com.
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