job description
Imperial College London
Division of Ecology and Evolution
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Research Associate in Landscape Ecology
Salary: £31,300 – £39,920 per annum
A position is available for five years from 1 January 2012 to analyse, model and predict the biodiversity consequences of land use change in the wet tropics. You will work as part of a team investigating the role of landscape ontogeny and habitat fragmentation in determining spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity, with a focus on community ecological principles.
The position is funded by the European Research Council and will be based in the Division of Ecology and Evolution at Silwood Park Campus, Imperial College London.
The successful candidate will be responsible for leading a series of analyses of community biodiversity patterns in fragmented systems around the world, focussing on the compilation, analysis and publication of biodiversity responses to habitat fragmentation.
You must have a PhD (or equivalent) in Community Ecology, Landscape Ecology, or a related field. You will have a strong analytical, statistical or modelling background, and knowledge of theoretical community ecology and how it applies to conservation problems. Experience in the statistical analysis of community data and a publication track record in peer-reviewed journals are also essential. Experience with software development in the R statistical computing language along with experience in modelling land use change, networks or biodiversity would be an advantage, as would a background in theoretical community ecology or landscape ecology.
Informal inquiries to Dr. Robert Ewers: r.ewers@imperial.ac.uk
This position has a start date of 1 January 2012.
Our preferred method of application is online via our website http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment (please select “Job Search” then enter the job title or vacancy reference number including spaces – NS 2011 196 JT into “Keywords”). Please complete and upload an application form as directed.
Alternatively, if you are unable to apply online, please contact Mrs Diana Anderson on 020 7594 2207 or email d.anderson@imperial.ac.uk to request an application form.
Closing date: 22 November 2011
Interviews will take place in late November
Committed to equality and valuing diversity. We are also an Athena Bronze SWAN Award winner, a Stonewall Diversity Champion and a Stonewall Top 100
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