job description
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Institute of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Postdoctoral Research Fellows in Structural Molecular Biology (2 posts)
University of Leeds
Leeds, England
University Grade 7
£29,972 – £35,788 p.a. Due to funding limitations it is unlikely an appointment will be made above £33,734 p.a.
Fixed term for 3 years, available immediately
Project Title: Regulatory Mechanisms in Myosins
You will be working in a team led by Professor Peter Knight, primarily using cryo-electron microscopy to understand the structure and regulatory mechanisms of myosin motor proteins. This project, which is funded by the Wellcome Trust is a collaboration within the Astbury Centre (www.astbury.leeds.ac.uk/) for Structural Molecular Biology with Professor Michelle Peckham and Drs Stan Burgess, Thomas Edwards and Neil Ranson. It will also involve external collaborators Drs James Sellers and Robert Adelstein (NIH, USA) and Dr. Justin Molloy (MRC NIMR, UK). The two postdoctoral researchers will each take ownership of a part of the overall project, but be expected to work together where this will enable them to achieve maximal productivity.
It is advantageous for you to have prior experience of cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image processing of single particles and/or experience in cloning, expression and purification of proteins. Cryo-EM will be performed using both a Tecnai F20 microscope fitted with a 4k CCD camera and a T12 microscope with a 2k camera. Image processing will be performed using SPIDER, IMAGIC and EMAN. There will be opportunities for protein crystallography, optical trapping and TIRF microscopy. A PhD in structural biology, electron microscopy, biochemistry, image processing or a related area, and experience with, and the ability to use, technically sophisticated equipment are essential.
Informal enquiries to Professor Peter J. Knight on Tel: +44 (0)113 343 4349 or p.j.knight@leeds.ac.uk
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