Postdoctoral Research Associate in Phytochemistry : Seoul, Gwangjin-Gu
Employer: Konkuk University
Website: http://konkuk.ac.kr
Location: Seoul, Gwangjin-Gu
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: October 30, 2011
Expires: November 25, 2011
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job description
Konkuk University, Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology invites candidates for one post-doctoral research associate position in the laboratory of post-harvest technologies. The laboratory is engaged in research projects devoted to the post-harvest processes in onion and aloe vera as well as to the extraction of valuable phytochemicals from onion and aloe wastes.
Konkuk University is a large private university specialized in medical, natural, behavioral and engineering sciences and located in the heart of Seoul city. It is well known for its high standards in education and scientific research as well as its good support facilities. It is ranked in top 20 universities in Korea.
Candidates should have a strong motivation for doing scientific research in Analytical Chemistry, and Phytochemistry. He/She should have Ph.D degree in Analytical chemistry, Biochemistry or Food Chemistry. An eligible applicant should have at least 2 publications in SCI journals for the last two years. Submitted or accepted but not published articles are not eligible.
Contact Us:
For all the positions, interested candidates may contact directly by sending their CV, and copies of 2 publications to Dr. Leonid Asnin (asnin@konkuk.ac.kr). Profiles will be reviewed and the selected candidates will be contacted as soon as possible.
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