job description
University of Oxford
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Salary: Grade 7, £29,099 to £29,972 (first 2 points on scale)
Fixed term for up to 2 years
An experienced and meticulous Postdoctoral Research Assistant is required to work in Professor David Paterson’s laboratory on a joint project with the University of Manchester concerning the regulation of cardiac automaticity and conduction in murine hearts with a cardiac-specific deletion of P21 activated kinase-1.
The post holder will work to determine cardiac automaticity and conduction during both intrinsic activity and under conditions of autonomic regulation in Pak1 deficient mice, using in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiology, cellular electrophysiology and calcium imaging.
A PhD/DPhil in a relevant area is essential for this post, together with experience in cardiac electrophysiology, calcium imaging and Langendorff heart preparations. The post holder must be highly motivated with an enthusiastic approach to science and problem solving, with excellent organisation, verbal and interpersonal skills. Experience in maintaining mouse colonies is desirable.
This post will be based in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, Oxford OX1 3PT and is funded by the British Heart Foundation for up to two years.
The closing date for applications is noon on Wednesday 30 November 2011.
For a job description and to apply for the post, please visit:
IMPORTANT! Please note – all applications for this post MUST be made via the University’s online application, as shown in the link above. We are unable to accept any other methods of application.
If you have any queries about how to apply, please contact reference@dpag.oc.ac.uk
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