job description
A three-year postdoctoral is available at the Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki. The starting date is flexible between 1.1 – 1.4 2012. The main topic is social immunity, life history trade-offs and host-parasite interactions in the ant Formica exsecta. The approach entails field work, laboratory experiments and extensive genetic/genomic analyses. The main part of the work will use a population subject to long-term monitoring for fitness-correlated traits, dispersal patterns, and demography.
The research group in Helsinki comprises three collaborating research teams, including faculty, other post docs and PhD students (see links below). As of 2012 we are also part of a Finnish Centre of Excellence, with the other partners located at the University of Jyväskylä (Johanna Mappes and Jaana Bamford), and Australian National University (Hanna Kokko). The successful applicants will have the opportunity to develop additional questions related to the main research program in collaboration with other members of the CoE as well as collaboration partners at other institutes.
We are looking for a strongly motivated candidate with a PhD in the field of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, or related disciplines. Experience especially in gene expression analysis and sequence analysis is essential. Experience in host-parasite interactions, insect immune assays, statistics and strong written and oral communication skills are a bonus. He/she is expected to take an independent role in collecting and processing the data and compiling the results into publications. Salary ranges between €3000-3500 brutto per month and includes benefits (health insurance) which are included in the Finnish system.
Applications will be reviewed starting December 10th until the positions are filled. The earliest start date is January 1st 2012, the actual starting date is negotiable.
Applications should be sent to Lotta Sundström (liselotte.sundstrom@helsinki.fi), and include:
(1) a cover letter describing your research interests and qualifications, (2) a full CV, (3) contact information (email, phone number) of 2 referees, and (4) pdfs of up to three representative publications. Please include «postdoctoral application» in the subject line of the e-mail. Informal inquiries are welcome, but I will be away from email between November 26th and December 9th.

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