Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Engineering
University of Greenwich
REF: 01952
Applications are invited for this post on a research and development project funded by INTERREG IV A, i-MOCCA Project. The research work will be undertaken at the School of Engineering in the Department of Computer and Communications Engineering.
i-MOCCA project aims to set up an interregional network of competence centres and regional nodes in the fields of industrial data communication and embedded systems.
中国留学人才网(海归人才网)http://www.liuxuehr.com 为广大海外高层次人才提供回国就业、创业机会,关注海归生活。高层次人才就业QQ群:106247053 留学人才网微博:http://weibo.com/liuxuehr
Both fields of interest are fast developing key items in automation, requiring a lot of education and training, strengthening the competitive edge of existing companies, and enabling innovative new applications in the broad economy and more particularly in industry. The current lack of (high-end) industry-oriented education and training and of competence centres in the eligible area, and the fact that there is little or no cooperation in these fields between universities in the 2 Seas area, are at the very basis of i-MOCCA.
You are expected to have a PhD (or equivalent) in Electronic Engineering or related discipline with experience in Industrial Data Communications, Wireless Communications, Signal Processing or Industrial Systems Control. A good knowledge of numerical modelling in the Signal Processing in Communications and control is essential and familiarity with MATLAB or similar software will be an advantage.
Salary £24,370 - £29,099 per annum
Further particulars for these posts and details on how to apply:
Internet: http://www.gre.ac.uk/
E-mail: jobs@gre.ac.uk
Closing date for applications: 18 November 2011
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