Postdoctoral position - quantitative and molecular genetics : Newark, DE, USA
Employer: University of Delaware
Newark, DE, USA
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: November 04, 2011
Expires: November 25, 2011
Jobs by tag(s): chicken quantitative molecular genetics genomics poultry
job description
Postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at University of Delaware for an enthusiastic and self- motivated applicant to work in the field of quantitative and molecular genetics.
Qualifications: PhD degree in animal breeding and genetics, statistical genetics/genomics, computational biology, biostatistics, molecular biology or related fields with substantial computational and statistical expertise; strong statistical background in Bayesian methods, and experience in genome-wide LD mapping and haplotype based SNP imputation methods; experience in usage of statistical and genomics software packages (e.g. JMP, JMP Genomics, ASReml and PLINK). The candidate should have working knowledge in C++, SQL, Perl and R programming languages. Additional skills include working knowledge in molecular genetic techniques as RAPD, AFLPs and RFLPs are desirable.
*Responsibilities*: Conduct research on genotyping commercial chicken populations through implementation of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the use of high-density SNP analysis to identify genetic markers for improving the performance of broiler chickens.
The successful candidate will work under the direction of Dr. Behnam Abasht, Assistant Professor, and will utilize laboratory facilities in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, the Integrative Avian Biology Lab and also have access to the state-of-the-art high-performance computing cluster at University of Delaware. The successful candidate is expected to collaborate with the university and industry partners, draft summary reports, write journal papers and present findings at scientific meetings.
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Initial appointment is for one year, renewable for one additional year dependent upon satisfactory performance. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. Applicant should send a letter of interest, a CV and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Behnam Abasht (abasht@UDel.edu).

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