The Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, invites applications for a post-doctoral fellow to help establish and work on a population based cohort near Beijing China. Work will involve helping physicians recruit, consent and interview participants for a study related to better understanding of the genetics, metabolomic, and environmental contributions to obesity, liver, and cardiovascular disease.
Necessary qualifications for the position include a PhD degree in Epidemiology, excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Mandarin, familiarity with human cohort studies, and excellent interpersonal skills. Familiarity with human disease/medicine would be desirable. A longer term staff/faculty position studying the determinants of metabolic disease in the cohort is a possibility. Work will initially require at least 1 year of full time effort collecting information on participants in China and thereafter intermittent visits for follow up collections and facilitating collaborations. The individual however, will be employed by University of Michigan for the duration of employment.
Applicants should email/send resume, academic transcripts (if graduated within the last 5 years), and at least three letters of reference to: Elizabeth Speliotes M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., c/o Jeff Cole 6520E MSRB I, SPC 56822 1150 West Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-56822, email: jcole@umich.edu.
Applicant review will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
The University of Michigan offers competitive salaries and excellent benefits. Ann Arbor is a progressive city of about 100,000, with excellent schools and a wide variety of sporting and musical activities. It is rated very highly in national surveys for its quality of life and has the amenities of a city many times its size.
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