Postdoctoral Research Fellowship : Galway, Ireland
Employer: National University of Ireland, Galway
Location: Galway, IRELAND, Galway, Ireland
Type: Other
Posted: November 14, 2011
Expires: December 02, 2011
Requisition number: Euraxess-euraxess-jobs-33750630
job description
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a 12-month fixed-term position as Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow with the Moore Institute at NUI Galway.
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The postdoctoral fellow will work on a project to develop a critical edition of Richard Hakluyt’s The Principal Navigations…of the English Nation (1598-1600), funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, with Prof. Daniel Carey as project leader. The Hakluyt edition is under contract with Oxford University Press in 14 volumes, and the postdoctoral fellow will work closely with the PI in conducting research on early modern travel, developing a project website, facilitating project communication, and organizing an editorial workshop. The appointed candidate will join an international team of leading scholars working on editorial annotation of Hakluyt’s landmark text (under the general editorship of Prof. Carey and Prof. Claire Jowitt). The IRCHSS-funded project focuses on volumes 1-4 in the series which include Hakluyt’s prefatory materials, and documents relating to medieval English travel, Muscovy, Persia, Iceland and elsewhere. Essential skills: PhD in either English, History, Geography, or related disciplines. Ability to work collaboratively, with excellent communication skills Desirable Qualifications/Experience: Research experience on early modern travel/colonialism/trade/geography. Familiarity with one or more of the following: textual criticism, editing, digital humanities.
Additional Job Details
For informal discussion and further particulars about this post please contact Prof. Daniel Carey: daniel.carey@nuigalway.ie For more information on the project leader and the Moore Institute, see: http://www.nuigalway.ie/english/daniel_carey.html http://www.nuigalway.ie/mooreinstitute/
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