job description
Postdoctoral Research Assistant (FTE 0.6)
Structural Studies of Protein-Drug Interactions
Salary – £25,101 to £29,099 pa
Ref: MBP00497
Available immediately for an initial period of 3 years
Two positions are available in the Department of Biochemistry for a talented postdoctoral structural biologist (Grade 8) and for an experienced part-time (60%) protein biochemistry research assistant (Grade 6) to work on a new 3 year collaborative project with MRC Technology focussed on protein structure-based drug discovery and development. The scientists will work in the successful groups of Prof. Mark Carr and Dr Richard Bayliss, with a combination of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography used to determine the structures of proteins targeted by MRC Technology drug discovery programmes and to characterise their interactions with candidate drugs. The proposed work will involve close interactions with experienced research scientists at MRC Technology. The Department of Biochemistry is superbly equipped for all aspects of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography based structural biology, with excellent supporting facilities for recombinant protein expression and purification.
The successful postdoctoral research fellow will have a proven track record in structural biology, with significant experience in NMR-based approaches and preferably some experience in X-ray crystallography. A willingness to apply either approach to solve protein structures is essential. The research assistant position will require significant experience in recombinant protein expression, purification and characterisation, and ideally some experience in molecular biology. A strong interest in knowledge-based drug discovery is essential for both positions. The ability and willingness to travel to meetings with collaborators and to use off-campus research facilities is essential. Good communication and presentation skills are also a pre-requisite.
Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. Mark Carr, Tel: +44 (0)116 229 7075, E.mail: mdc12@le.ac.uk, or to Dr Richard Bayliss, Tel +44 (0)116 229 7100, E.mail rb308@le.ac.uk
For further details and to apply online please visit www.le.ac.uk/joinus
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