Postdoctoral Fellow in Virology, Immunology and/or Molecular Biology : Vienna, Austria
Employer: CeMM - Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Location: Lazarettgasse 14, Vienna, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Austria
Type: Other
Posted: November 20, 2011
Expires: December 16, 2011
Requisition number: Euraxess-euraxess-jobs-33751117
job description
The Bergthaler laboratory at CeMM - the Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences seeks to fill the open position of a POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW. The focus of the group is on the molecular mechanisms of viral pathogenesis and the antiviral immune system (recent publications: e.g. Bergthaler A et al. PNAS 2010; Bergthaler A et al. PLoS Biol 2009; Bergthaler A et al. J Gen Virol 2007). Interested candidates should have a strong background in VIROLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY AND/OR MOLECULAR BIOLOGY and have received their PhD (respectively DVM/MD or equivalent degree) no later than 3 years ago. Candidates who are just about to finish their doctoral studies are also welcomed to apply. Experimental experience with mice is considered a strong asset and should be detailed in the application.
The ideal candidate features excellent work ethics and communication skills. Enthusiasm, self-motivation, creativity as well as a proactive stance on solving problems and developing new ideas are wanted. We seek a candidate who is able to connect different scientific disciplines and to think outside the box. Several projects are available in the lab but own project proposals which match the lab`s focus are welcomed as well. The lab of Andreas Bergthaler is provided with a fully equipped molecular biology laboratory in a shared environment with tissue culture and histology labs on the same floor within a brandnew building. The group is embedded in a multidisciplinary and highly collaborative systems biology/medicine research environment providing access to state-of-the-art mass-spectrometry, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, multi-color flow cytometry, automated chemical biological screening platform and animal facilities, including BSL2 suites. CeMM is a flagship institute for biomedical research in the heart of Europe, Vienna. CeMM is committed to highest scientific standards as exemplified by recent publications in top journals including Nature, Cell and Nature Immunology as well as by its top international scientific advisory board. The environment is very dynamic, interactive and international. Working language is English. One of CeMM`s advantages is to be in close proximity to the Vienna Medical University Campus and the General Hospital (AKH). This allows the fruitful interaction of basic scientists with clinicians, and the use of models and cutting-edge technology to disease-relevant biological questions. For more information visit http://www.cemm.oeaw.ac.at and http://www.bergthaler1.at. Initial funding is available for up to 3 years, but candidates are expected to seek for post-doc fellowships. Interested candidates should send their applications to aender@cemm.oeaw.ac.at using the reference code #PO-AB. Please include your CV, the contact details of your PhD supervisor and two additional referees as well as a detailed letter of motivation. Deadline for applications is 16 December 2011.
Additional Job Details
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