Postdoctoral research fellow : Charleston, United States
Employer:Medical University of South Carolina
Website: http://www.musc.edu
Location: 86 Jonathan Lucas Street, MSC 509, Charleston, SC, United States
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: November 20, 2011
Expires: January 15, 2012
job description
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cancer Immunology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States
Postdoctoral position is available in an exciting new laboratory to study cancer immunology.
My lab is interested in cancer vaccine and innate immunity. My prior work has been in the area of defining the roles of heat shock protein gp96 in chaperoning TLRs (Liu et al. Nature Commun, 2010), understanding the roles of gp96 in regulating hematopoiesis (Liu and Li, Blood 2008) and autoimmunity (Liu et al., PNAS 2003; Liu et al., J Immunol 2006), and discovering the application of pluripotent stem cells as a cancer vaccine (Li et al., Stem Cells 2009). Current projects in the lab include: (1) Study the roles of gp96 in regulating dendritic cell and B cell biology and in cancer immunity using conditional knockout mice; (2) Mechanistic and translational study of using human embryonic stem cells as cancer vaccines.
Located on the Atlantic coast in South Carolina, Charleston boasts one of the nation’s most historic downtown areas and offers a superb quality of life. Applicants with recent Ph.D. in immunology or cell biology, original mind and driving work ethics, publications in international journals and a strong background in cellular immunology or stem cell biology are encouraged to apply. Please send via email curriculum vitae, a description of research accomplishments and names of three references to: Bei Liu, M.D., M.P.H., Department of Microbiology and Immunology; e-mail: liube@musc.edu
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