job description
Job Reference: UOS003631
Job Title: Post Doctoral Research Associate
Contract Type: Fixed-term for 36 months
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health
Department: Department of Neuroscience
Salary: Grade 7, £28,251 to £35,788 per annum, with the expectation of annual incremental progression.
Closing Date: 8 December 2011
This post will be based in the Academic Neurology Unit, in the Department of Neuroscience, School Of Medicine, Dentistry and Health, University Of Sheffield. The position will be based at the newly opened state of the art building, Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN).
The post, funded by EU Framework 7 Euro-MOTOR and the Sheffield Institute Foundation, will utilise gene expression profiling to determine biomarkers of disease progression in motor neurone disease (MND), and specifically indices for fast and slow progression. The project involves using RNA extracted from lymphoblastoid cell lines from a large cohort of MND patients with a wide variety of survival times (1-10yrs); data analysis will be performed in collaboration with the Computational Biology group, also based in SITraN. A PhD (or equivalent experience) in molecular biology or neuroscience and experience of research in molecular neuroscience and/or bioinformatics are essential; experience with performing microarray experiments and handling large datasets are desirable skills for this post. Additionally, experience in troubleshooting problems, experimental design, excellent communication, and interpersonal skills are expected.
This post is fixed-term for 36 months and available immediately. Salary will be competitive and will be set at the appropriate point on the post-doctoral research associate scale.
You can view the supporting documentation by clicking on About the Job and About the University located near the top of your screen.
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