Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mucosal delivery of viral vectors : Paris, France
Employer: UMR Virologie Inra, Anses, ENVA
Website: http://www.vet-alfort.fr
Location: French National Veterinary School of Alfort, Paris, France
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: November 23, 2011
Expires: December 12, 2011
job description
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mucosal delivery of viral vectors, French national veterinary college, Maisons-Alfort, France
A postdoctoral position is currently available in the Virology research unit, jointly governed by the French national institute for agricultural research (Inra), the French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety (Anses) and the French national veterinary college of Alfort (ENVA).
Situated on the campus of the French national veterinary college in Maisons-Alfort, just outside Paris, the Virology research unit is devoted to the study of animal viruses responsible for epizootic and zoonotic diseases and to the development of strategies for their prevention and control.
With a view to instructing development of mucosally delivered vaccines, the successful candidate will investigate interactions between viral vectors derived from adenoviruses and digestive mucosa, in the framework of a project initiated in collaboration with the University of Lausanne. More particularly, the impact of ligand-mediated retargeting on penetration of the mucosal epithelium and ensuing interactions with underlying antigen-presenting cells, as well as the consequences of retargeting for induction of immune responses to vector-encoded antigen, will be investigated.
The fellowship is funded for 14 months by the region Ile de France, with a net salary of approximately 2400 € per month. Additional funding (125 € per month) is provided for continuing education and for attendance of symposia. The candidate could begin as early as mid-January 2012, and ideally no later than March 2012.
Candidates should possess a doctoral degree in a relevant discipline. In compliance with conditions set by the funding body, only candidates who have never before held postdoctoral fellowships in France can be considered. Familiarity with mouse models and cell imaging techniques would be highly appreciated, and previous experience in immunology, especially mucosal, would be an asset.
For informal enquiries, please contact Jennifer Richardson (jrichardson@vet-alfort.fr; 33 (0)1 43 96 73 71). To apply, please forward, as a single PDF file, a cover letter outlining the reasons for your interest in the position, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the contact information for at least two references.中国留学人才网(海归人才网)http://www.liuxuehr.com 为广大海外高层次人才提供回国就业、创业机会,关注海归生活。高层次人才就业QQ群:106247053 留学人才网微博:http://weibo.com/liuxuehr
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