Research Associate in Carbonate Diagenesis
University of Bristol - School of Earth Sciences
(ref. 16796)
School of Earth Sciences
Contract: Fixed Term Contract (3 years (J))
Salary: £33,734-£37,900
Grade: Level a - Level b in Pathway 2
Closing date for applications: 9:00am 06 Jan 2012
Anticipated interview date: 23 Jan 2012
Anticipated start date: 01 Feb 2012
One research post in carbonate diagenesis is available as part of the three year IRT-MODE project funded by an Industry Technology Facilitator Grant to Dr Fiona Whitaker in the Department of Earth Sciences. IRT-MODE concerns research to improve our understanding of processes driving dolomitisation and associated diagenetic reactions. The project combines fluid flow and reactive transport modelling, laboratory characterisation, and observations from well-constrained case studies in order to develop predictive concepts of diagenetic reservoir quality.
Postdoctoral Research Associate (three years). You will develop models linking diagenetic alteration of mineralogy and porosity to changes in rock texture and permeability, and evaluate these models using data from reservoir and outcrop examples. Knowledge of carbonate geology, process-based modelling of water-rock interaction and/or petrophysics are desirable. This post will suit a researcher with a PhD and some prior relevant experience.
Salary £33,734-£37,900.
If successful, you may be appointed either on a fixed term or an open-ended contract depending on the extent of your previous relevant research experience. Three years' appropriate and relevant experience at another higher education institution would normally lead to an appointment on an open-ended contract. Further information can be found at www.bristol.ac.uk/hr/ftc
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