Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Surrey - Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences (FEPS) Postgraduate Medical School, Materials, Surfaces and Systems Research Centre and Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences (FHMS)
(Ref: 8472)
Salary: £31,798 per annum
(Subject to Qualifications and Experience)
We are looking for a full-time post-doctoral research fellow to work on the EU-funded project "STIFF-FLOP" which is a project to design, build and test an innovative actuating soft robotic arm with changing stiffness to be used in minimally invasive surgery. The change of material and robot arm stiffness and its actuation is expected to be achieved biomimetically by SMA wire and hydraulic micro-channel architectures, and the research assistant will be responsible for the design of such optimum architectures, the fabrication of the novel material and robot arm tube with the given specifications, and testing and will have to meet the work-programme deadlines. The research assistant will also be responsible for designing benchmarking experiments, design and fabricate phantom organs suitable for these benchmarking experiment and carry out some of these benchmarking experiments. The research assistant will also work in collaboration with the Surrey Space Centre (SSC) at the University of Surrey, who is the University of Surrey coordinator for STIFF-FLOP and will be responsible for the sensor, actuator electrical circuit and control system (a different research assistant from SSC will be responsible for these tasks in the project).
Candidates should have
(a) A first degree in Science or Engineering and a PhD in the field of Materials, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
(b) Experience in four or more of the following areas: polymer or natural polymer material processing, composite materials processing including SMA wires, modelling of fluid flow through a porous medium, modelling of fluid flow through microchannels, FEA stress analysis and materials design, mechanical properties of human tissue and organs, microstructural testing, mechanical testing
(c) Excellent laboratory skills and excellent laboratory organization skills.
(d) A good record of research paper publications and oral presentations at conferences.
Due to the strict project work-programme, we are requesting a start on 1 January 2012; the post will be for a period of 12 months in the first instance.
For an application pack and to apply on-line please go to our website www.surrey.ac.uk/vacancies. If you are unable to apply on-line, please contact Miss Louise Wilkinson, HR Assistant, on tel: +44 (0) 1483 686106 or by e-mail: louise.wilkinson@surrey.ac.uk.
Closing date for applications is Tuesday 6th December 2011.
Interviews will be held in week commencing 12th December 2011
For further information about the University of Surrey, please visit www.surrey.ac.uk.
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