job description
Applications are invited for two ERC funded post-doctoral positions in the field of host-parasite evolution and genomics based here in the Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge. The posts will be investigating genetic variation in the susceptibility of Drosophila to viral infection.
Insects vary in their susceptibility to viral infection, and this variation affects disease transmission by vector species, and the survival of beneficial insects and pests. The successful candidates will investigate the genetic basis of this variation in Drosophila using next generation sequencing, published genome sequences and the tools of Drosophila genetics. This will not only give insights into the molecular and cellular basis of how resistance to viruses evolves in nature, but population genetic approaches will also allow us to understand the factors that maintain variation in susceptibility to infection in populations. There will be scope for the successful applicants to drive the direction of their research, and they will be expected to collaborate closely with other post-docs in the lab.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates who have a deep interest in this area of research. You must have, or be about to obtain, a PhD and ideally the your past work will be in genetics or evolutionary biology. However, this is a five year project that will include several researchers, so we are seeking applicants with a range of different interests and skills. Relevant experience would include any of the following: population genetic analysis, the analysis of next-generation sequencing data, Drosophila genetics, and host-pathogen evolution and genetics.
Both positions are available immediately, but the start date is negotiable.
Informal enquiries should be sent to f.jiggins@gen.cam.ac.uk, and details of the lab can be found at www.gen.cam.ac.uk/research/Jiggins.
Completed applications, which should consist of a completed CHRIS/6 application form (Parts I and III) – see http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/ – and include a brief statement of research interests, qualifications and experience, together with a curriculum vitae and a list of scientific publications, should be sent to Ms R Baglow, Dept of Genetics, Downing St, Cambridge CB2 3EH. e-mail: jobs@gen.cam.ac.uk
- Limit of tenure: One position is funded until 31 October 2016, the second for three years from date of appointment.
Quote Reference: PC11132,Closing Date: 16 January 2012
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