H.G. Thode Postdoctoral Fellowship : Hamilton, ON, Canada
Employer: McIARS McMaster Institute of Applied Radiation Sciences - MCMASTER UNIVERSITY
Website: http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/mciars/
Location: Rm. 104 Nuclear Research Bldg., 1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: December 15, 2011
Expires: February 10, 2012
Requisition number: H.G. Thode Postdoc
job description
The H.G. Thode Postdoctoral Fellowship
In commemoration of the late Dr. Harry Thode’s achievements as a nuclear scientist and as a
visionary university president, McMaster University is pleased to invite applications from outstanding
candidates for an endowed postdoctoral fellowship in the general areas of Nuclear Medicine, Radiation
Sciences or Nuclear Engineering.
McMaster University is regarded as one of the premier centers for Nuclear and Radiation
Sciences and Engineering research and education. Programs in this area are highly interdisciplinary
where interactions are fostered through the McMaster Institute of Applied Radiation Sciences (McIARS).
Specific areas of research in McIARS include radiation and environmental biology, radiochemistry and
medical isotopes, body composition, detector development, health physics, dosimetry, neutron
metrology, nuclear engineering, neutron radiography, geochronology, neutron activation, bone and joint
research. The research goals of the successful candidate do not, however, have to explicitly or
exclusively feature the reactor, rather the areas identified are intended to be suggestive of the general
areas that will be affiliated with the Thode Fellowship.
The research programs at McMaster are built around a unique suite of major facilities, which
includes a 5MW nuclear reactor, particle accelerators including Canada’s first biological microbeam, a
high level radioisotope laboratory facility and a preclinical imaging facility. Thode fellows can gain hands on experience with cutting edge instrumentation while working with an outstanding group of technical and health physics support staff.
Each fellowship may be held for a term of two years. For Fellowships awarded in 2012, the
salary will be $41,000 (CDN) for each year of the Fellowship plus benefits, the terms and conditions of
your employment will be determined by the CUPE unit 3 Collective Agreement and all applicable
Policies, Directives and Procedures. Successful candidates if interested, may be offered the opportunity
to teach at the undergraduate or graduate level, but this teaching will not exceed one course per term. In
addition, postdoctoral fellows may subsequently be considered for regular faculty positions, depending
on their suitability, the academic plans of the relevant Department, and budgetary constraints.
By February 29, 2012, applicants should send proof of Ph.D., a full Curriculum Vitae, a cover letter
highlighting their prior achievements and a two page summary of their rationale for selecting the
supervisor with whom they wish to work and the project they intend to work on; and three letters of
reference sent directly from referees.
Anticipated start date: September 1, 2012
McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse
faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates including women, members
of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.
Please send all applications to:
Ms. Karen Carter
H.G. Thode Post Doctoral Fellowship 2012
McIARS – McMaster Institute of Applied Radiation Sciences
Nuclear Research Building (NRB), Room 104
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 21490
Email:* kcarter@mcmaster.ca*
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