Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Southampton - Faculty of Medicine
Location: Southampton General Hospital
Salary: £27,428
Full Time Fixed Term until 31/01/2014
Closing Date: Tuesday 31 January 2012
Interview Date: To be confirmed
Reference: 078911AF
There is evidence that folic acid may have protective effects against specific cancers. However, some studies have suggested that folic acid fortification may increase cancer risk. Recent findings in our laboratory suggest that folic acid supplementation induces tissue-specific changes in the expression of the BRCA 1 gene which is associated with DNA repair. The purpose of this project, which is funded by World Cancer Research Fund International (2011/420), is to determine whether the differing effects of folic acid on different cancers involve changes in the epigenetic regulation of BRCA 1 and 2.
We are seeking to recruit an enthusiastic cell biologist or molecular biologist to join our multidisciplinary group. The successful applicant will be based in the recently opened state-of-the-art Institute of Developmental Sciences Building at Southampton General Hospital. You must have a PhD in molecular biology or cell biology. Experience of techniques for analysis of epigenetic processes would be an advantage. It is anticipated that the post will be taken up in March 2012 and will be available for 23 months in the first instance.
Informal enquires to Dr Graham Burdge (g.c.burdge@southampton.ac.uk) or Dr Karen Lillycrop (k.a.lillycrop@southampton.ac.uk)
The closing date for this post is 31 January 2012. Please apply online through www.jobs.soton.ac.uk or alternatively telephone 023 8059 2750 for an application form. Please quote vacancy reference number 078911AF on all correspondence.
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