job description
Postdoctoral Position Available in Organic Synthesis
The University of Sydney, Australia.
Salary: Level A step 6 $93,120 p.a. (which includes base salary $78,252, leave loading and 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation and four weeks annual leave).
Available from April 1st 2012, initially for one year, with the possibility of continuation of the post for a further 1.5 years.
We are interested in the synthesis of new chemical sensors, both for metal ions (Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 319-324; Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 2850-2858; Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011 40, 2848-2866) and biological molecules (Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 3720-3728; PLoS One 2011 6(5): e17446). Our systems to date have shown high sensitivity, often in aqueous environments containing competing analytes. We have a particular interest in sensors that fundamentally change their behaviour in the presence of their analyte. To extend our sensors to the imaging of cells and tissues in real time requires both a fundamental redesign and their attachment to optically bright nanoparticles.
We are looking for a motivated, hard-working scientist skilled in the art of organic synthesis to drive this new direction for our labs. The role of the successful applicant will be to 1) synthesize new sensors and study their coordination chemistry, 2) attach these sensors to nanoparticles such as quantum dots (QDs), 3) study the basic photophysics of the QD/sensor combinations in response to different analytes and 4) manage a small team of students investigating related chemistry. The successful applicant will liaise with and visit our biological collaborator, Professor Peter Smith, Director of the Institute for Life Sciences at the University of Southampton, UK.
Applicants should have, or expect to receive, a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry. Experience in coordination chemistry or the chemical derivatization of nanoparticles would be an advantage. Excellent written and spoken English is essential, but there are no restrictions on citizenship for this post. Applicants should send a CV (which includes a list of publications) to Dr Mat Todd (matthew.todd@sydney.edu.au, http://openwetware.org/wiki/Todd) or Dr Peter Rutledge (peter.rutledge@sydney.edu.au, http://sydney.edu.au/science/chemistry/~rutledge/).
Deadline for applications is February 10th 2012.
The University is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity and social inclusion. Applications from equity target groups and women are encouraged. The University reserves the right not to proceed with any appointment for financial or other reasons.
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