Immunology Postdoctoral Fellowship : Cape Town, South Africa
Employer: South African TB Vaccine Initiative, University of Cape Town
Website: http://www.satvi.uct.ac.za/
Location: Institute of Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine, Anzio Road, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa
Type: Fellowship
Posted: January 05, 2012
Expires: January 31, 2012
Requisition number: Immunology Postdoctoral Fellowship
job description
The South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative performs cutting edge clinical, epidemiological and immunological research in TB pathogenesis and vaccine development. We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral fellowship within our dynamic laboratory, to conduct research on TB immunology projects. These well-funded projects will provide opportunities to work in collaboration with global leaders in systems biology and specialist innate and T cell immunologists. The amount awarded to the successful incumbent will be valued between ZAR200,000 and ZAR300,000 and will depend on relevant experience and skills.
For more information on SATVI, visit www.satvi.uct.ac.za.
The candidate should have achieved the PhD degree within 5 years and should not have held any prior permanent professional or academic positions. The fellowship is initially tenable for one year and may be extended for further periods, depending on availability of continued funding and on the academic performance of the candidate.
Key requirements
PhD in immunology, bioinformatics or related field
Excellent leadership and communication skills
Successful scientific manuscript writing skills
Excellent presentation skills
Good knowledge of the research process
Excellent organisational skills
Good one-on-one teaching skills
Excellent knowledge of adaptive and innate immunity or bioinformatic methodologies
The successful incumbent must be prepared to comply with the University of Cape Town’s approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector.
Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Professor Willem Hanekom, Director, on telephone +27 21 406 6791 or e-mail Willem.Hanekom@uct.ac.za prior to application.
Please send: • a letter of motivation • your full CV (no certificates) • a 1-page condensed CV • the names, email and telephone of 3 referees to Mrs. S Pillay.
Email: sarojini.pillay@uct.ac.za; Fax: +27 21 4066693 by no later than 31 January 2012.
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