Postdoctoral Research Fellow : Leeds, United Kingdom
Employer: University of Leeds
Location: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: January 09, 2012
Expires: February 02, 2012
Requisition number: MAPPA0016
job description
Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
School of Physics and Astronomy
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Leeds
£29,972 – £35,788 p.a. (University Grade 7)
Fixed term for 12 months, available on 1 March 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter
Research Project: Molecular spintronics
This position is funded by the group’s EPSRC platform grant and is aimed at exploring the use of organic molecules in spintronics, the electron/spin-phonon interaction and fundamental quantum studies such as single electron transport.
You will work as part of a dynamic collaborative team, working with the Condensed Matter Physics Group, in co-operation with our UK and overseas research partners. You must hold, or have submitted a thesis for an experimental PhD degree (or equivalent) in some field of Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Electronic Engineering, or a related discipline, and have direct research experience in experimental molecular, carbon-based spintronics. The ability and willingness to travel overseas, to visit partner laboratories and attend conferences, is also essential.
Further information on the Condensed Matter Physics Group is available in the attached documents on our website.
Informal enquiries may be made to Prof B J Hickey at b.j.hickey@leeds.ac.uk or Dr O Cespedes at o.cespedes@leeds.ac.uk
To apply, please click on the Apply Button to visit our website and complete the Vacancy Search Criteria. Ref: MAPPA0016.
Closing date: 2 February 2012.
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