job description
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research position to join the Cell Membrane Biology Group at the Centre for Vascular Research at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. We are seeking a highly motivated researcher who will establish single-molecule fluorescence imaging approaches (PALM, STORM) to investigate the molecular mechanism of adhesions in migrating cells.
The purpose of this study is to identify the molecular organization of adhesions in migrating fibroblasts. We have recently established super-resolution fluorescence microscopy including live-cell PALM and fixed cell STORM imaging and quantitative cluster analysis. The goal of this project is to apply PALM and STORM to migrating cells to identify the molecular processes that lead to the nucleation, assembly, maturation and disassembly of adhesion complexes.
The Centre for Vascular Research is a multidisciplinary research centre and the Cell Membrane Biology Group has currently five postdoctoral researchers with different backgrounds (cell biology, physics and chemistry), seven PhD students and two research assistants. The group has extensive expertise in single-molecule and live cell imaging, instrumentation and image analysis and access to a suite of state-of-the-art microscopes.
A PhD in cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics or related science is required and experience in advanced fluorescence microscopy is essential. Candidates with experience in single molecule biophysics, super-resolution microscopy and image analysis are preferred.
The successful candidate will have an active role in conceiving and implementing experimental approaches, training and supervision of research staff and students and presentation of the results in form of manuscripts, talks and potentially grant applications.
This is a full-time fixed term position available until 31 December 2012 with strong prospects for a further contract period.
Please submit your application via the UNSW Human Resources Website located at http://www.hr.unsw.edu.au/services/recruitment/jobs/27011205.html
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