Postdoctoral Fellow : São Paulo, Brazil
Employer: University of Sao Paulo
Website: http://www.usp.br
Location: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 1524, São Paulo, Brazil
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: February 06, 2012
Expires: February 20, 2012
job description
The Renal Biophysics laboratory of Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo offers an opportunity for post doctoral fellowship from FAPESP in the Renal Physiology field. The projects of this laboratory study mainly H+ and K ion transporters, including the Na+/H+ exchangers (NHE1, NHE3, NHE8) as well as vacuolar H+-ATPase, in cells from the different segments of the nephron. Methods of investigation employed in the projects include from classical techniques, such as in situ micropuncture and microperfusion experiments, until molecular biology techniques, such as study of promoter regions by the use of reporter genes, quantification of gene expression by real time PCR and functional analysis of promoter regions of proteins. The fellowship is associated with the Thematic Project coordinated by Gerhard Malnic, entitled “Molecular and functional study of ion transporters in membranes”. Candidates must have a doctoral degree, experience with laboratory animals and familiarity with molecular biology techniques related to the above mentioned protocols. Interested applicants should send the following material by e-mail to Professor Gerhard Malnic (gemalnic@usp.br), the project coordinator, before 20/February/2012: (1) CV updated; (2) The name of two professionals in the renal physiology field; (3) The applicant’s letter explaining the professional experience and motivations to the function.
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