美国加州大学伯克利分校Dr. Adam Arkin招收博士后岗位
Postdoctoral Scholar : Berkeley, United States
Employer: University of California Berkeley
Website: http://www.berkeley.edu
Location: Berkeley, CA, United States
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: February 06, 2012
Expires: March 30, 2012
job description
Postdoctoral Scholar position at UC-Berkeley: Metabolic engineering and functional genomics of oleaginous yeast for advanced biofuel production.
The Arkin lab at The Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar to join an exciting systems engineering program aimed at efficiently producing diesel-compatible biofuels in oleaginous yeast species. The position begins on or around June 1, 2012. A doctoral degree in molecular biology, genetics, systems biology, or related discipline is required. This position is funded by an EBI grant to Professor Adam Arkin (Department of Bioengineering).
Our long-term goal is to engineer diesel-compatible biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass. Although advanced biofuels have been engineered in both E. coli and S. cerevisiae, current levels are too low to be commercially viable. Our interest is to engineer oleaginous yeast species, such as Yarrowia lipolytica, Rhodosporidium toruloides, or Lipomyces spp. because these organisms naturally produce high levels of lipids. We hope to harness their high metabolic flux from sugar to fatty acids for advanced biofuel production. Our experimental approaches involve metabolic engineering, high-throughput genetics and functional genomics, and advanced genetic analysis, such as bulk segregant analysis for QTL mapping of lipid productivity. The ideal candidate has a strong background in yeast molecular biology and genetics. Experience with computational biology, next-generation sequencing data analysis, or flow cytometry is a plus.
The deadline for applications is March 30, 2012. Salary depends on experience and qualifications benefits are included. Applicants should submit a resume, and a summary of research experience via email to Dr. Adam Arkin at aparkin@lbl.gov or by mail to Dr. Adam Arkin, University of California, Berkeley, Mailcode 3220, Stanley Hall Room 176, Berkeley, CA 94720. Please refer referees to the University’s statement on confidentiality, found at: http://apo.chance.berkeley.edu/evalltr.html. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
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