美国HiFunda LLC材料科学博士后
job description
Post-Doctoral Researcher – Materials Science
HiFunda LLC is seeking a Post-Doctoral Researcher with a background in Engineering or the physical sciences, who a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a strong broad-based science/engineering background that can lend itself to many types of projects, strong oral and written communication skills, and someone who has the potential to grow into a key permanent employee in the near term and could play a technical leadership role in in a few years. An ideal candidate would already have graduated or will be defending his or her Ph.D. Thesis before March 15, 2011 and should be able to join the company by April 1, 2012. The candidate will initially work on a US Dept. of Energy funded project on development of novel ceramic coatings. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise or work experience in at least one of the following areas: materials development, materials testing, materials characterization, ceramic materials, and/or coatings development.
The position is only open to US Citizens or Green Card holders.
Starting Salary range (50-60K depending on experience and fit). The company will pay reasonable relocation costs to Salt Lake City, UT.
Consider this position if you are the type of person who:
1. Appreciates the benefits of a start-up company environment (i.e. enjoys small working groups and sees opportunity instead of uncertainty).
2. Have strong writing skills, and will enjoy proposal writing.
3. Have a strong work-ethic and is driven to achieve and succeed.
4. Will appreciate the opportunity of very quick salary and responsibility increments to project management and leadership based on success.
5. Will enjoy flexible work-hours, and hands-off management that focuses on results.
6. Will enjoy the lifestyle options offered by the Salt Lake City area (skiing, hiking, mountain biking and lots more).
Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter describing their interest in the position and why they see a fit with the description above to employment@hifundallc.com
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