job description
We offer one postdoctoral position in our consortial project at the Department of Biochemistry of Eötvös University, Budapest, in the dynamically developing ERC funded laboratory of András Málnási-Csizmadia (www.malnalab.hu), in collaboration with Tibor Vellai (http://falco.elte.hu/celegans). The proposed project focuses on the development of dopaminergic drug candidates using novel in vivo approaches. The project is fully funded by the National Research and Technology Office. Main responsibilities will include the application of human transgenic C. elegans and human cell line test systems for the analysis of drug candidates.
Project abstract:
Disturbances in the dopamine signalization might lead to the development of schizophrenia, psychosis, drug dependency, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or Parkinson’s disease in humans. The neurobiological background of these processes has yet to be fully discovered – especially the joint role of various types of dopamine receptors. A procedure to determine the dopaminergic profile of a particular drug candidate would therefore be crucial to be able to utilize the therapeutic potential offered by the selective inhibition of certain types of receptors. The specific drugs developed this way help to reduce the risk of side effects, which can contribute greatly to the improvement of the patients’ quality of life. This project aims to cost-effectively design dopaminergic drug candidates with an antidepressant or antipsychotic effect which have crucial importance in the threatment of psychiatric illnesses. We will use the self-developed in vivo test system based on transgenic C. elegans strains as well as novel human cell lines expressing human dopaminergic receptors.
Your profile:
- You have a PhD degree in Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics or Biochemistry.
- Experience in handling human cell lines and/or C. elegans strains is an important plus.
- Good communication skills in English and independent work.
- Motivation to achieve a high quality in work.
- International experience or work experience in a biotech company is a plus.
- position term: 3 years (estimated start date: April 1, 2012), including one year probation
- position type: fulltime research
- competitive salary in eastern EU member states
- application deadline: February 20, 2012
Please send your CV and a motivation letter to the e-mail address jelinek@elte.hu, personal or skype-conference interviews will take place in February-March.
Further information: jelinek@elte.hu
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