job description
Research in the laboratory focuses on degenerative and regenerative processes in the CNS with particular emphasis on aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) related studies. Dr Cuello’s lab utilizes and develops transgenic animal models presenting features of the AD neuropathology. The research is of a multidisciplinary nature ranging from molecular approaches to whole animal experimentation and with a particular interest in Alzheimer’s Therapeutics.
The position available is to work on a multinational project recently funded by the Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration (COEN). The project aims at generating as complete a model of AD as possible in the rat, a species with numerous neurobiological and technical advantages. Using these transgenic rats, we will test hypotheses regarding factors mediating and influencing the earliest onset of synaptic changes and their implications for network dysfunction. This position also involves using stereotaxic techniques combined with pharmacological and viral tools to test the hypothesis that dysregulation of the dynamics of synaptic plasticity and remodeling triggered by Aß and tau oligomer interactions underlies early impairment of hippocampus-dependent memory. The candidate should hold a Ph.D., have a strong conceptual and experimental background in molecular neuroscience. Experience with recombinant DNA techniques, a broad understanding of the nervous system, and familiarity with in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and rodent behavioural tests would be desirable. The candidate should be proactive, independent, hardworking, productive, and enjoy working as part of a team. The most competitive candidates will be those with at least one first-author publication in the field and should be committed to eventually becoming self-funded beyond the terms of the current fellowship. Please send your CV, a brief statement of current and future research interests, and three references to:
Ms Maureen Driscoll,
Assistant to Dr A. Claudio Cuello
Professor and Charles E. Frosst Merck Chair in Pharmacology
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
3655 Sir-William-Osler Promenade, #1210
Montreal, QC, Canada H3G 1Y6
Email: maureen.driscoll@mcgill.ca
Telephone: +1-514-398-3618
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