job description
Job Title: Post-doctoral Training Fellow – Imaging
Closing Date of vacancy: 22 February 2012
Division: Radiotherapy & Imaging
Team: Radioisotope Physics
Type of Contract: Fixed Term
Length of Contract: 3 years
Salary Range: £27,536 p.a to £31,476 p.a. inclusive
Work Location: Sutton (Surrey)
Evaluating the role of functional MRI in planning treatment for Head and Neck Cancer
A post is available for a post-doctoral scientist to work on a Cancer Research UK Programme Grant from the Clinical and Translational Research Committee (PI – Dr Kevin Harrington, Dr Chris Nutting). The work will be conducted in the Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging (with Dr Kate Newbold, Dr Simon Robinson) and will investigate the role of functional MRI (diffusion-weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced) in the planning and delivery of radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancers (Newbold et al. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys 2009;74:29). Specific projects will include preclinical and clinical analysis of the temporal and spatial stability of imaging parameters and the effects of treatment intervention.
Applicants will hold a PhD in Physics or a relevant field and will ideally have post-doctoral experience. They will have experience in analysis of data from functional imaging studies.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Kevin Harrington (Kevin.Harrington@icr.ac.uk) or Dr Chris Nutting (Chris.Nutting@rmh.nhs.uk). Please do not send your application to Dr. Harrington or Dr Nutting; Please follow the apply link below to submit your application.
To apply click here https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/saf/login.cgi?owner=5050130&ownertype=fair&jcode=1233686&external=89523
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